Let me start by explaining the title above. I had my 37 week appointment today and i got some good news and some not so exciting news. We will start with the not so exciting news first...I gained some more weight which i tried to explain by all the food i ate the weekend at the family gathering, but she so graciously stated that the extra weight was surely water weight and baby weight. I sure do LOVE my doctor! My blood pressure was elevated today to 138/76 which she was not happy to see. Even when she had me lie on my side for a few min to have the nurse retake the blood pressure it only dropped some. All along i have been steady in the 110/60 range. She also noticed that I was swelling this morning, something that usually doesn't happen for me until later in the day. So needless to say i am now restricted to only working 4 hours a day and to "take it easy" the rest of the day. Then came the lovely internal exam. Good Lord, there must be a better/more comfortable way of performing those things after all these years of women giving birth! I waited for those magical words of "your dilated to..", but still nothing. No dilation but the cervix is starting to "soften"
Now onto the good stuff...I am currently 37 weeks but today the measurement was 39.5 weeks! YIKES! She estimates that this baby is about 7- 7.5 pounds right now. YIKES again! All i am thinking is if he is possibly this big now...what will he be in three weeks (of course if it takes that long). His heartbeat was strong in the 140's. She is not sure if he is still head down yet or not because she couldn't feel his head as she tried to poke a finger through the cervix opening. (perhaps that is why it felt so wonderful). She stated that If there is not more dilation next week so will most likely do an ultrasound so see how he is positioned, to get a more accurate weight measurement, and to make sure things overall are looking good. When she said that i must admit I did tell myself that i didn't want to dilate so we could get another u/s....but i think i wold rather just hold him in my arms instead! As for the Group B Strep Test that was performed last week, it was negative so no antibiotics for me! YEA!!!

Here I am at 35.5 weeks

Here I am at 37 weeks
In other exciting news....the long overdue, anxiously awaited upon dresser had been delivered in tip top shape today! Now i just need to fill it up with all baby boy's goodies...I'm letting it air out a bit as it has that new from the factory smell. Not so excited about the placement of the lamp , so we might be putting it on a small side table next to the chair so it's not blocking the window.

We also had a busy week last week...we went to breastfeeding class on Monday night, Tuesday night we had family from North Carolina visit at our house, Thursday night we visited with the Molle's, Friday night into all day Sat we had our Birthing classes, and Sunday we partied in Union Grove with the North Carolina folk! Perhaps this why my blood pressure is up. We learned some at the classes, for me much of it was just affirmation of what i had read, but was really nice to hear it instead of read it. Here is a 2010 hot off the camera picture of the Umnus Clan! We had joked that maybe we could have gotten one at the hospital but soon enough we will!

I will say that overall I have been feeling pretty good. Over the past week I wake up about every hour and use the restroom, so my sleep isn't really that great but that is why I'll take a nap when i get home! The other strange thing is that every night between 10pm and midnight I have to vomit. not sure what that is all about. We are getting very excited to meet this little guy and take in all the fun he has to bring. Still feels a little surreal, but soon enough life will have changed for the better and forever. Well...off to pack my hospital bag...i keep talking about doing it, i suppose i probably should! Until the next post!