Wednesday, November 30

A new doc in town

So we did it. We have been thinking about it for a few months, well more than a few months. We switched pulmonologists. It was a hard decision but the right decisions are not always easy. Our new doc is more inline with how we want to treat and fight this CF battle.

We had an appointment on the 14th of November and that is when we decided to make the switch. Mason is standing tall at 31.1 inches (56%) and tipping the scales at 22 pounds 14 oz (29%). His length to weight is at 41%! This is the second closest we have ever gotten to the 50th%! Keep those calories coming! His throat culture did come back with normal flora and Staph. He will always culture staph since he is colonized with it.

Dr. Q really explained some things to us that we thought we had a handle on before but understand it much better now. One thing that was hard to hear is that she was able to see some changes in his lungs that are CF other words, she already sees some lung damage. She did give us hope to turn this around. I guess I will take it since she has only lost one patient in 20 years.

So what are we going to do? We have an Infant PFT (click here for video) scheduled on Dec 20th with a chest x-ray before. This will give us a better idea what Mason's lung function is. We also started another medication called Hyper-tonic Saline. Basically super salty water for Mason to breath in to thin th mucus and help him cough it out.

Wednesday, November 9

Cystic Fibrosis Awareness

This is a video I invite you to watch. It was created for the Cystic Fibrosis Gala held at the Milwaukee Museum a few weeks ago. The Gala, I believe, raised more than $200,000 to help find a cure. The video has testimony from CF parent's and adult's with CF. It of course brought tears to my eyes as much of what they say also speaks from my heart. Please take a moment to watch and learn.

If you would like to donate towards finding a cure for Mason and the 30,000 other's in the USA please click on the Great Strides box on the upper right hand side of this blog. It is a tax deductible donation. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is one of the best non-profit agencies in terms of where donations go to...90% of every dollar goes to research, assistance, and programs to help those with CF. All of which Mason is involved. He is currently in 3 research studies, gets assistance to help pay for his $4,000 a month medication pulmozyme, and is cared for by the CF clinic at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. Thank you for all your support and love over this past year since we got the diagnosis!

Sunday, November 6

Fall Leaves

Daddy was raking up the leaves today for pickup and it looked like it would be fun to play in them. (He stood by the window the whole time watching his daddy until mommy took him out with him.)

Back inside to warm up with my kitty!

Tuesday, November 1

Happy Halloween 2nd edition

We headed to Union Grove for Halloween this year. Needless to say Grandma and Grandpa were excited to see Mason in his monkey costume and take him trick or treating...his first trick or treating experience. It was a bit chilly, so luckily his cosutme had extra padding! It was fun to watch him waddle up to the door all the while wondering what the heck is going on. In a year or two I am sure we will be watching him run up to the door. He was pretty apprehensive the first few times but by the last house he had both hands in the bowl...I think he caught on.

Trick or Treat Grandpa!

Happy Halloween 2011

Where's my treat Grandma?

I'm just getting the hang of this walking thing and you make me wear this thing?

"Do I have to wear this monkey suit mom?"

Mason's first official Trick or Treat...he decided to sit down on the job.

Mason travels in style!

whose having more fun here?

We even stopped by to see Uncle Randy...he was nice and gave me a few extra!

I was a little apprehensive to walk up to these guys (to be honest they were a little spooky lookin' even for mom)

the sign said only take one but "I can't read." :)

Mason was done with Halloween at this point if you can't tell...

He was too busy thinking about Christmas as seen in the video below:

He pulled the Toys R Us toy ad off the table himself and started looking through it. I think we are in trouble!