Well, we had wanted to start this blog earlier but have been nervous to do so for many reasons and because of that, it's gonna be a long first post! We have only begun to tell our families of this miraculous news and will wait until the crucial 12 week mark to shout it from the roof top!...okay maybe not the roof top, it might still have snow on it and a pregnant lady probably is best with her feet on the ground...on with the story!

In the beginning, there was a boy named Derek and a girl named Sara. They met in college, fell in love, and got married. A few years later they decided they wanted to have a little baby Umnus to fill the house. As time went on the little one still wasn't arriving, so they went to see a Fertility Doctor in July of 2009. There were lots of questions, tests, and exams. Come to find out Sara had an issue with her insulin (but is not diabetic) which in turn would not allow her eggs/follicles to grow. So she was started on Metformin (a medication to help regulate insulin and hopefully allow her follicles to grow). Alas, that did not occur so it was on to the first plan of attack...Clomid. The clomid pill was supposed to help with that. But it didn't do anything to grow Sara's follicles the first time. Then they wanted to try it again. And again the clomid pill did nothing. It was a sad few months not knowing if a little one would ever be theirs. They talked and researched about the next step. In November they decided to take that next step, plunk down some money, and go for it. Sara then went on for 18 days injecting herself in the stomach with a hormone called Follistim to help grow her eggs.

It was a trial and error with the dosage, going to the doctor every two days for ultrasounds (and not the nice outside of the abdomen ones) to see how the follicles were growing, and having her blood drawn. On December 8th the doctor had said no more with the injections, Sara had grown seven follicles and that was too many to risk with the IUI procedure. She was afraid that all seven could become fertilized and they would be having septuplets. The doctor said the next step would IVF. Sara cried again and was very sad because they had finally gotten to a point that their dream of a child was at their fingertips. It was like having someone slap your hand away from the cookie jar when your hand is half way in it. Up to this point they had endured the joy and pain of seeing others get their dreams of little ones not ever knowing if they would see theirs. You see Fertility treatments are very expensive and often insurance does not cover those costs. They knew they only had so much to spare until they would have to put their dream on hold. So Derek and Sara chose not to heed the doctors warning to abstain and take their chances. Chances that they figured were either going to be very good or not. Besides they couldn't be the only couple going through treatments to not take the doctors advice at a time like this. I mean the eggs are right there almost begging to be fertilized! So came the time of year Derek and Sara had imagined telling their parents that they would become grandparents soon...Christmas. It was a difficult time because there were thoughts of sadness for not being able to see that smile on their parents faces that Derek and Sara have wanted to bring for so long, not knowing if this would be the last year without a child of their own, and feeling like they had failed again to obtain that dream.
Then came December 28th, 2009 at 7:45am. This was day that Sara had in her mind she was going to test. She was supposed to get her period on Christmas Day if her cycles where anything normal, which they were not. It was a shot in the dark. So, as she sat there waiting the allotted 2 minutes she dared the stick to say "pregnant". You see Sara had always gotten the "not pregnant" on the screen and always would place her finger over the "not" just feel even for a very fake second what it would be like. There it was "PREGNANT".

She stood in disbelief for a few minutes before rushing to the bedroom to awake Derek from his sleep. Sara sat next to him, handed the stick over and said look! She had never seen him wake up so fast. "what? did you take this right now?" He had not idea that Sara was even planning to take the test that morning so he was even more surprised. Sara then proceeded to take another two tests and then 2 more then next day...all were positive.
On December 29th Sara called the doctor's office and they had her come right in for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. 1st Beta came back and her HCG was 58 and progesterone was over 100! She was warned that the HCG number is low, but two more blood tests would be taken. on New Years Eve her HCG was 121 and her progesterone was still above 100. That was good because the numbers are supposed to double every 48 hours. The third test was taken on the second of January with an HCG of 276 and progesterone was 98.5. This was all good news, come to find out the reason the number started out so low...they had found out they were pregnant only 2 weeks pregnant from conception. The next appointment would be an ultrasound set for Jan. 11th to verify that there was indeed a pregnancy in the uterus and how many. The doctor's office was not too happy with them for not following the doctors office. There could be a whole lotta babies in there!
On January 6th Sara had some extreme pains on her lower left side and lower left back. The doctor's office said it could be a few things: a twisted ovary, a very bad UTI, or an ectopic pregnancy. It was the last one that Sara was worried sick about. They said if the pain got worse to go the E.R. Well, as the night went on the pain and anxiety worsened and off they went at 8pm to Waukesha Memorial E.R. where they did more tests and exams. An ultrasound was done and they got to see their little one for the very first time. At that time the sak measured 4weeks and 6days pregnant.

Sara's ovaries...well that is part of what was causing her the pain. The left ovary was 4cm in diameter and the right ovary was 9.63cm in diameter. Ovaries are supposed to be the size of an almond and hers were not! They also noticed fluid in her abdominal cavity. It appears that Sara may have had a cyst (follicle) rupture and that fluid is what was irritating her insides and causing the extreme pain. After multiple doctors and calls to their Fertility Doctor it was decided to transfer Sara to West Allis Women's Pavilion as that is where her doctor is located. So at 4am with IV in arm, she was sent via ambulance in the beginning of a major snowstorm, to West Allis.
At West Allis, they were kind enough to provide Sara with Percocet for the pain. Derek says she was falling asleep quite frequently. The Doctor came in to examine Sara and was not so happy with her. She said "I am not surprised your are sick Sara, you're not supposed to be pregnant." You see, Sara not only had a cyst (follicle) rupture she also was suspected of having OHSS (ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome). It is something that can happen after injecting with stimulating hormones. Normally, the ovaries and follicles would decrease in size naturally but because Sara is pregnant, the HCG is feeding the ovaries and not allowing them to decrease. So the doctors orders are to sit on the couch with her feet up and drink a lot of water. The doctor is afraid that Sara could rupture again or still have an ovary twist with too much activity. They went home on January 8th with additional orders for a repeat ultrasound on January 15th.
On January 15th they went in for another ultrasound( again not the nice outside the abdomen kind...she doesn't know what that one is like). The doctor started and said "well i guess we will look at the ovaries first since they are crowding the uterus" It was amazing...Sara's ovaries GREW to 7cm each and they are now touching each other they are so big. Then the part that Derek and Sara were very worried about was the baby. They could tell the sak looked bigger and it was! It measured at 6weeks 4days! Sara was getting more and more nervous because at first the doctor could not find the embryo only the sak, but there it was.

Next up was to see if there was a heartbeat. It took her a little bit again but she found it and it was music to our ears. 123 bpm! Sara asked the doctor "are you sure that's not my ovary", and they all laughed. So more "couch rest" and water. This time Doctor doesn't even want Sara bending. Derek has been so helpful doing all the housework. They will be back for another ultrasound on January 29th.
So there you have it, Derek and Sara's journey through life and infertility to obtain their dream of a little baby Umnus. Told you the first post was gonna be a long one! And in the words of Paul Harvey, "And now you know the rest of the story."
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