Well I am a day behind but i figure that's okay because we still have a long way to go. It is amazing to me that we are a third of the way through this pregnancy. I have to say that it has gone pretty fast since we had so much commotion up to this point. We are also starting to feel more relaxed and excited for this pregnancy now that we hit the crucial 12 week mark. It is stated that the risk for miscarriage drops to less that 1% now. So that helps relieve some of the stress.
As for how I have been feeling...Well, I can say that morning sickness has not been my friend. I never really had much nausea until a few weeks ago, just as i was feeling better from the OHSS. Perhaps that pain just masked the nausea? Within the last week I have become much more sensitive to some smells. Which smells you ask? I never know until it hits me. At this point if i start to feel nauseous, i know something is coming up whereas I was just nauseous before. So meal times are always fun in the Umnus household. I never know what I want to eat and even after it is prepared i may not eat it. Derek has been very patient with me around meal time! So that is the biggest thing to report this week for me. Other than that I still get tired and out of breath easily. Hopefully after our first appointment on Thursday the doctor will lift these restrictions I have had since January 8th and I can start walking again to regain some of my lost muscle and cardio capacity.
Over the past week we have had many congrats over our little bundle of joy. We just feel so blessed to have some many supportive, loving, and caring family and friends. Thank you all for being so excited, because it has helped raise our excitement. We have gotten a few gifts for baby over the past week and I am pretty sure that our child will never go naked.

Derek had the joy of finally telling his co-workers the great news. He took the picture frame with the latest ultrasound picture in it and handed out cupcakes. I can only imagine the big smile he had on his face the whole day.
As for the baby, the books say he/she is about the size of a plum, measuring between 2inches and 3.5 inches. When I look my book and it has a picture of "actual size" I am in disbelief every time. I am just so amazed at the size of our little one already. All the baby's organs are formed at this point and are now in the growing phase. The baby's intestines are now contracting in preparation for after birth. The baby is also now producing hormones from the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. The first time I read that I thought, perhaps that is why i feel so much more sick...thanks kid!
Just one more fun tidbit...as Stef had mentioned on her blog...Come September when the Dinner Club heads out to a restaurant we will have to ask for a table for 18! Derek thinks we will need to rent out a banquet room just to accommodate. No more just showing up at the door, reservations required!