Well, I have begun to think that this blog is a little more depressing then I first imagined it! On Monday, I went back in for more repeat blood work because on Friday my levels were abnormal and they were hoping that they would have gotten better. Well, this is Sara we are talking about...the problem pregnant lady from day one. It appeared that my liver enzymes were still elevated, but now my hemocrit was now dropping and the nurse said "it is very disconcerting." Dr. Hayes wanted me to come back in ASAP to have another ultrasound done, but this time down in Radiology because they have stronger equipment for what she wanted them to look for. There was a concern that i was bleeding internally somewhere. Needless to say I freaked out (probably because of hormones, stress/anxiety from the pain, and did I mention the pain?) So, because I was still taking the Percocet i could not drive, nor did i really want to. So i called Derek's mom in a sobbing mess asking her to take me to the hospital because i felt so bad Derek had taken so much time off already from work. Then i called Derek and he tried to calm me down over the phone and assure me that everything was going to be okay. Yeah right! You try being the one who might be bleeding out somewhere and pregnant! But he tried anyway. So, after another long 13.7 mile drive to West Allis Memorial due to the lovely bumps that must have been placed in the road just for me, we arrived to have more ultrasounds done! The Ultrasound was painful to say the least...my Percocet was wearing off, my bladder kept filling up (that's when i am in most pain), and i had to lay flat on my back (also not conducive to full bladder with someone pressing on/in it). It took an hour because they did an trans-vaginal and abdominal ultrasound along with checking my spleen/kidneys/gallbladder/etc. Come to find out...my ovaries are still HUGE and i had a "pocket" of blood that either was surrounding my ovary or a follicle in the ovary (i missed that part) and that is why they figure my blood count dropped. It doesn't appear to be bleeding any longer which is a very good thing. Doctors orders were to still keep resting , drinking ungodly amounts of fluids and wean myself off the Percocet. But the nice thing was to be able to see the baby again and hear the heart beating at 180bpm! We even got a few more pictures to take home.

I had more blood work on Thursday and everything is starting to normalize the nurse said. Thank the Lord! They also said that it looks like i probably hit rock bottom with last stint of pain. My ovaries should start to decrease in size for the remainder of the pregnancy due to certain hormones normalizing the second trimester. It was funny when we arrived in the back, everyone had smiles and appeared to be happy i was upright again. The last few times i have arrived via wheelchair due to the pain and the distance from the front door to the clinic. I had happily announced i was off the Percocet and walking, albeit very slowly, around the house. So we will have another ultrasound next Thursday with Dr. Hayes and it sounds like it sadly might be one of the last. I say that because we have gone through alot together and she technically got us to this point...even though we didn't listen to her at the end...but then again we wouldn't have our little bundle of joy arriving in September!
Here is a picture i took on at 9 weeks and 1 day. It shows how bloated and filled with Ovaries I am. I think i look so much further along and should be funny to see stomach pictures as the pregnancy continues. Perhaps I will just be stuck at this size for alittle while while my ovaries decrease in size and my uterus and baby grow! If that's the case, i need to go shopping because i do not fit into any of my pants and haven't for a few weeks now!

Now I hate to write about it and jinx myself again, but I AM feeling better as each day passes. The pain I was having was some of the worst pain i have EVER experienced. So I have decided that I am fully on board for the epidural train because as I see it i have fulfilled the "laboring" part of the pregnancy contract. That only seems fair right? Somehow i don't think I will get off that easy! Oh well, i just keep praying and keeping my eye on the prize and that has gotten me through. I have some lingering pain in my left side and lower back. I am now upright and walking around the house, able to stand up from a sitting position, able to get myself out of bed (with a little groaning and deep breathing), and able to take a shower on my own again. We have decided that we got alot closer this past week then we ever thought was possible at this stage in our marriage. Derek has been the most wonderful husband i could ask for. He has taken over all the house chores on top of being at my beck and call. I am tearing up just writing about how grateful I am for him. Words cannot express those feelings right now! Thank you so much Honey! I love you!
This is how the bed has looked since last Thursday, sadly Derek has been sleeping on the pullout couch in the spare bedroom partially because there is no room for him. The only way i can "sleep" somewhat "comfy" is basically almost sitting up on my back. It doesn't help that Derek gave me his cold, so this position allows me to not choke on my snot and decreases my coughing fits.
This is where i spend the other part of my day. Sitting in a chair with all my necessities around me so that i don't have to get up for everything and rest my back and belly.
Well, that's it so far. I am now looking for an OB because we only see Dr. Hayes until the 12 week mark and my family doctor no longer does the OB and delivery part. Which is a bummer because that is why i picked her 5 years ago! But this nice thing is that she will be able to be the baby's doctor as well. I really like that she will be treating the whole family, just feels more put together and reassuring!

I had more blood work on Thursday and everything is starting to normalize the nurse said. Thank the Lord! They also said that it looks like i probably hit rock bottom with last stint of pain. My ovaries should start to decrease in size for the remainder of the pregnancy due to certain hormones normalizing the second trimester. It was funny when we arrived in the back, everyone had smiles and appeared to be happy i was upright again. The last few times i have arrived via wheelchair due to the pain and the distance from the front door to the clinic. I had happily announced i was off the Percocet and walking, albeit very slowly, around the house. So we will have another ultrasound next Thursday with Dr. Hayes and it sounds like it sadly might be one of the last. I say that because we have gone through alot together and she technically got us to this point...even though we didn't listen to her at the end...but then again we wouldn't have our little bundle of joy arriving in September!
Here is a picture i took on at 9 weeks and 1 day. It shows how bloated and filled with Ovaries I am. I think i look so much further along and should be funny to see stomach pictures as the pregnancy continues. Perhaps I will just be stuck at this size for alittle while while my ovaries decrease in size and my uterus and baby grow! If that's the case, i need to go shopping because i do not fit into any of my pants and haven't for a few weeks now!

This is how the bed has looked since last Thursday, sadly Derek has been sleeping on the pullout couch in the spare bedroom partially because there is no room for him. The only way i can "sleep" somewhat "comfy" is basically almost sitting up on my back. It doesn't help that Derek gave me his cold, so this position allows me to not choke on my snot and decreases my coughing fits.

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