My how time flies...I must confess I really had started this post 3 weeks ago and found it in my draft I have added some more pictures and verbage since then. Mason loves his grandparents so very much! He is one lucky little guy to have have 3 that spoil him rotten here on earth and 1 that watches over him from heaven. Oh how I wish Mason (and Derek for that matter) could have met my dad in the flesh! I think they all would have gotten along way too well!
Two weekends ago, we stopped out at Grandma and Grandpa Umnus' house for a visit. Mason had fun as usual!

I love my Grandpa...he tells me silly stories!

Grandma learned how to do my CPT and mommy and daddy were so proud of her!

Grandma's trying to feed me but I like what Grandpa's cooking better!

Okay Grandma, I guess I will have Banana and Rice Cereal for now!

Auntie Kris came over for a bit too!
I was showing her how I play really nice with my Leap Frog Table!
Three weekends ago, Grandma Pam came down to love on Mr. Mason. I tell ya, he is one spoiled little boy! He loves his Grandma Pam so much! Thank you Grandma for spoiling me silly!

"let me at that cake!"

Grandma was feeding me my yummy rice and apple cereal! We had a good time talking over lunch.

Playing with all my toys!

One last picture before Grandma had to go home...
....One month ago now, we had an impromptu sleep over in Union Grove. It got late and neither Derek or I wished to drive home. Of course Grandma Kathy (and I am sure Grandpa Dave) had no problems with this. Luckily I over pack his diaper bag for the most part! Only thing we didn't have was his Prilosec...oops.

is this bed too big for me yet?

I'm a stinker...can you tell?

I was practicing my paddle on Grandma's mantel!

Okay daddy was helping me

lovin' on Grandpa

trouble...what his shirt and face says...

A new outfit for summer!
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