The saga continues with the little guy and his symptoms. Last Wed I spoke with the CF clinic and they had good and not so good news. The R.A.S.T. test (for food allergies) came back and it showed no Milk allergy! That was the good news. He did come back with one food allergy however...egg whites. Not the egg yolk, but the egg whites. How do you have an allergy to egg whites when you probably have never had them?!?! Because he was still throwing up, lost a pound according to our scale, and coughing a lot even with the hypoallergenic formula they wanted us to see the GI doc soon. They squeezed us in the the next day (Thursday 6.16)...they labeled this an "urgent appointment." We were also instructed to get him in to see his pediatrician ASAP. So i go an appointment the same day. We were also instructed to start him on another new formula and follow Reflux precautions.
Mama showing Mason his digestive tract.
Derek was going to work a half day and meet us at the appointment. I of course was running late while Derek made it ahead of time. Mason and I arrived just as they were calling our name! Thank goodness because I really did not want to miss this appointment. The appointment ended up taking 2 1/2 hours.
What it boils down to is that the GI doc doesn't even really know what is going on. He was great in explaining things and options. He said we have 2 options: 1. is to sedate him and scope him to take a look down there. and 2. wait and see for two weeks and give the new formula some time to work. Although, walking in the door I was all about scoping him and finding out what is going on for the past 3 weeks, he changed my mind pretty quickly. He stated "I don't like to sedate CF kids because their lungs take a hit." ugh...CF gets in the way again! So, we are going to wait and if things do not change when we see him again in 2 weeks he will to the scope.
He did instruct us to stop the Prilosec (for refulx) because the new formula needs the acid in the stomach to work. Well, we haven't seen a real big change yet...We continue to clean up vomit but hope it lessens soon. Although he is not getting a full bottle of Enfamil A.R. because he stiff arms us, so we are mixing the old formula with it to get him used to the taste.
See below for another post from today!
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