Can you believe that it is December already!?! Crazy to believe how time fly's when you're having fun Mason style! Here is a review of our November 2011 in pictures...

Helping with his chores! :)
Playing in the leaves...we were not too excited about this.

On day while Mason and I were in the kitchen, he got pretty quite. He was on the other side of the table while I was at the sink. I walked over to see what he had gotten himself into and realized he had grabbed the diaper bag off the table and proceeded to take every last wipe out of the brand new wipe container. After that he proceeded to take those same wipes and wipe things all around the kitchen...perhaps he has seen me do that more than a few times with the Clorox wipes. Hey, at least he is helping to keep the place clean!

He has also discovered that he fit UNDER our bed. I caught him going after his ball that rolled under. Then soon realized that I need to run the vacuum UNDER the's amazing what you can see with wood floors!

It took some time but the food did find his mouth :)

Here comes Santa Clause! As you can see his belly sure is jolly!

Always smiling, melting my heart a million times a day

He now prefers to carry Mr. Bear and Mr. Blanket to all destinations

Mason's patented nuk honing device is so strong, he doesn't even need to use his hands to get it to his mouth!

He prefers Apple's of all types not oranges (no really he does not like oranges)

Our new med we spend an additional 30 min on a day now. The solution is twice as salty as the ocean and he breathes it into his lungs.

What?! You don't eat Ramen noddles in you Christmas p.j's mid afternoon? Why not? :)

Uncle Dave came to visit from North Carolina during hunting season. I wore my camo to show my support, even though they didn't get anything this year.

Not related one bit!

We spent Thanksgiving in Union Grove this year. Grandma Pam came down too. I amazingly did not pull the camera out too much this year. But managed to capture some of the little man. Apparently, any blanket will do in the absence of his.

We don't travel light anymore. Treatments MUST be done no matter where we go. We gotta try and keep those lungs as healthy as possible.

How many people does it take to change a toddler in to pajamas? hehehe

Hanging with Grandpa before we headed home stuffed with turkey

playing in my new house Grandma Pam surprised me with! Thanks Grandma!

Mason pretty much gets into a daze while he watches Mickey Mouse during treatment time.

Not sure what happened with the camera with the picture...sorry.
Mason loves to "ride the horsey" now that grandma taught him. It's pretty comical actually since he now will come over to you and mimic the motion to get you to do it.

We bought this "head band" on ETSY about a month ago. It has been a very slow process to get Mason used to the mask for his three treatments a day. We have been having to hold it and sometimes he fights this picture does not fully capture the excitment of him wearing it. It actually brought a tear to my eye because it is exciting to see him get used to it, but saddens me for that same reason.

night time bottle (gotta sneak those calories in where ever we can)! Mason still is not a fan of holding his own bottle or sippy cup, but I am pretty sure Grandma doesn't mind.

We headed over to The Healing Place Farm in Sussex with Great Auntie Natalie and Cousin Paulette. It's a pretty cool place. I picked up some essential oils and learned some reflexology to help Mason's lungs. Mason even got to pet a Turkey and horse...He didn't care for the horse too much...wouldn't stop crying until we got back to the car.

Trial run in his new where is that snow?

teaching Mason a valuable lesson on how to play with his food. Milk does produce some darn good bubbles!

"Dear Santa, I can explain."

Love snuggles with my little guy

One morning he decided he wanted to hold on to BOTH his bear and monkey...I see A LOT of stuffed animals in our future!

Playing with his new train before Grandma headed home.

This is how we eat chili in our household!
As for what Mason is up to this Month. His walking is very steady, he can walk pretty fast and quite! He will sneak up on the best of them! He is starting to point at things he wants. He babbles and babbles and babbles. No words yet, but they are coming! He has quite the personality...smiling a lot, laughing a lot, and when he does not get his way watch out! If we get this now, what happens when he turns 2? AHHH! He loves to give hugs, including Mia the cat. He also loves to throw things over the gate and down the stairs. Pretty sure a few toys will never be same again after that trip. When he hears the garage door he runs to the door with excitement because that means mommy or daddy are home. He does the same for when the phone rings...runs right to it. Mommyitis is in full swing. But how can you blame him? Hehehehe. He also has all 4 one year molars popping at the same time. FUN! He investigates everything and puts nothing back...makes it fun to find a few things in which you left a little too close to the edge of the table. Well, on to December!
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