Oh boy, I must admit I just got a little nervous looking at the "99 days left"! Three months and there will be a little one here! We have so much to do yet! yikes! I also must confess that I was thinking about how I should start getting a hospital bag ready...I know it is a wee bit early, but my need to be able to control something is coming on strong. So is my need to get rid of stuff and clean..can we say nesting much?!
Derek is in process of finishing up the tile job in the foyer and getting the living room cleared for the carpet install on Thursday. So, needless to say, the house is torn apart and it is driving me crazy.
Since I have been a total slacker on updating the blog, I have lot to post about, so bear with me....
I turned the 3-0 a few weeks back and must say that i haven't had a midlife crisis yet. To be honest knowing the fact that we are expecting a little bambino helped to feel like i wasn't getting old...if that makes any sense. I had the day off which was nice, so i was able to sleep in. Derek's mom and aunt treated me to lunch at the Claim Jumper and it was soooo tasty! I would recommend the Turkey Pot Pie to anyone! Once Derek got home, the two of us headed to Dave and Buster's (my choice) to eat and play. I of course had the chicken fingers and he had a bacon cheese burger...Big surprise right?! After our meal we played plenty o games. It was nice because it was half price night on the games so our $20 went far. We hit it big on a few games and then i picked up someones tickets that had been abandoned and turned in all the tickets together. I could have gotten a blender, but chose to get a stuffed elephant for Baby Boy Umnus.

His name is "HaRumph". :) Truthfully, we had wanted to get a brewer bear that we saw prior but didn't have enough tickets...but it was now gone.

"Honey, let's take a picture together on my 30th so we can remember what we looked like that day."...not sure what we will say about this picture in even 5 years...Derek had about 3-4 coca cola's in him by this time if you know what that means...
On the 17th, I went in for my 24 week appointment. While I was there they wanted to complete the standard gestational diabetes test, which meant i would be there for a few hours. Well, they at least gave me an option of Fruit Punch or Orange drink loaded with sugar. Since i had the orange in the past i went with the Fruit punch....it's a good thing I like sugar! I was a bit nervous on what the results would be, but was told that i passed and in not so many words that i should watch my sugar intake anyway. They also tested my iron level and I am excited to report that i get to take one more pill a day...an iron supplement! My levels were 38 in Feb and the day of the appointment had dropped to 33. Little Bamino must be making blood in overdrive! I also was very pleased with the scale when i stepped on. You see I weighed myself at work (which i will never do again) and thought that i had gained about 10 pounds...well..all scales are different and only gained 2.5 which actually levels out my gain from the last appointment. Blood pressure was slightly higher but still no concern and my belly was measuring a week ahead at 25 weeks. Little Bambino's heart rate was in the 140's this time. The funny part was that i was there for a little over two hours and my time with the doctor was less than 5 min! I did get a bunch of freebies and coupons though!
As stated above, we are in preparation for our carpet install on Thursday...so here are a few pictures to show the lovely gem we uncovered... literally...

Here I am in my finest attire showing off our lovely carpet that is about to be pulled out

The only thing to add to this picture is that we discovered the walls to be a lilac when some of the molding was pulled back...I am sure this must have been lovely to live with!

This is a rough look at what the tile will look like in the front entryway with our carpet sample up next to it.
We ( I mean Derek) got the ceiling fan up and the closet doors installed into the Nursery...It's starting to come together!

I tell ya...can't get a straight face out of the boy...
I have been feeling good for the most part. I am for sure more tired than i was just a few weeks ago. Working again probably has a part in that. I do notice that i really need to take more rest breaks and put my feet up at the end of the day. I also have been landing in bed at a much earlier time...sometimes it has even been faintly light out if that tells you anything! Heartburn has been the new irritating symptom. So i take my Tums every night before bed and then prop myself up with too many pillows to count. Thanks god Derek is so patient ( or a deep sleeper), because I usually wake with about 3/4 of the bed in my possession.
Here is a lovely picture of some random pregnant woman at 25 weeks along

not sure i will be able to wear that shirt for much longer...or risk never wearing it again!
Little Bamino this week is growing and moving. I feel him most when I wake in the morning and when I lay down to sleep/rest. I must tell you that a few days ago, he kicked my bladder so hard that i literally jumped... darn kid is showing me who is boss already! I read the must amazing info tidbit about baby boy last week...His lungs would be developed enough to live outside the womb if need be. I just think modern medicine is just so amazing. He is getting close to the 2 pound mark and measuring around 9.5 inches. His hands are fully developed with fingernails and fingerprints this week!
Oh and one ore exciting tid bit of info. Little man finally kicked hard enough that Derek could feel him! I am so excited that we are able to now enjoy this little guy together! Not only can we feel him, we can see him trying to break through...I will admit that the first time I saw it...i got the little alien trying to claw through my body to get out image...i have since moved on to more pleasant thoughts!
1 comment:
Hang in there with all the house projects.. you were my witness with our ghetto kitchen and house torn apart when I was 8 months pregnant.. it must be something that happens when you become pregnant- you stop prograsinating on projects and have a deadline of "when the baby is due". Hope to see you soon- that belly is awfully cute!
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