As if we haven't started enough projects before baby comes we started another! As we checked out at Home Depot tonight, I told Derek it felt like old times buying stuff to make improvements on the ol' homestead...his reply was "we didn't close them down though."...Very true dear husband very true! Those were the days! Since our little bundle of joy will be arriving soon we have decided to bite the bullet and buy new really is over due, but now we have a reason and a deadline. So as with any Umnus home improvement project, we...i mean "I" always find a way to add on a little something extra. We are going to tile a portion of the front entryway as it just makes sense...the people who put the carpet in before us seemed to think that beige carpet at the front door was a "great idea".

Here is a look at some of the tile project put on Derek's "Honey Do before the baby comes" list
I told Derek that i can not wait for all the projects to be done...(the audacity of that comment makes me laugh because i am the one who thought up most of these projects and he just agreed!...what a great guy huh!) There is so much stuff just out of place right now and it is only going to get worse when we move all the furniture out of the living room into the kitchen! ...I should probably clarify...I have been told i only "supervise" projects for the next 4 months and you don't know how bad that is killing me! or maybe you do!

Here is a look at the new carpet (on top of our existing crappy carpet) we purchased on Sunday and will hopefully be installed before is an oatmeal color...kinda hard to tell the texture by the picture but it is so soft.
While coming home from work this week i stopped at a rummage that said "BABY STUFF" and found this great outfit! I knew Derek would love it and he does, too bad we have to wait about a year for the little bambino to wear it.

Really no change in how i have been feeling. Starting to feel, on a rare occasion, a pretty clear kick or punch. I have been laying still when i head to bed with my hand on my stomach just trying my hardest to feel him from the outside...i think i did a few days ago, but i always think i am confusing my heartbeat but this was on my i might be right. I called Derek in and he thought maybe, just maybe, he felt a very faint hopefully that will become a for sure very very soon! I am excited for him to be able to feel his little one to begin to become even more connected to this amazing miracle. Here i am at 23 weeks..Lord, how much more can i pack on!?...just two days before I leave my 20's in the dust and embrace the ripe old age of 30!

This week baby boy's blood vessels in his lungs are maturing, his lips are becoming more distinct, and his eyes continue to develop although they lack color yet. This week also marks the beginning of some weight gain. Baby boy should double in weight over the next month. His skin is now a reddish tone due to the developing blood vessels, but is still pretty saggy as he still develops fatty tissue. The bones in his ears are hardened and his pancreas is developing. The pancreas is important in insulin production...i suppose this is why they test moms for Gestational diabetes at this time...He is weighing in over a pound and is about 9 inches tall!
That's all for now folks!
1 comment:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA! You look great!
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