Well it was mostly good news from the doctor's standpoint. Baby's heartbeat went back up into the 150's (which is still normal) and was measuring back on track for size. She said that she is not able to tell how baby is positioned at this time and doesn't like to try because he still has some room to move around and switch his position. I had asked about that pain i was having where my right ovary should be. Well to my antimony surprise my ovary is currently located much higher so she assured me the pain must be round ligament pain and not to worry. I should however, give a call to the office if it is very painful because then they may suspect appendicitis. (apparently being pregnant puts you at a higher risk of having it...oh my..."stop worrying about it Sara"). She was happy to hear that baby is moving a lot and I am to return in 1 month. What makes this whole experience even more real is that i start to see her every two weeks for a month after that and then once a week! yikes! Nothing like making you realize we are in the home stretch.
28 week belly picture
*sorry still not able to get pictures uploaded yet...will be done soon...so keep checking back*
I am feeling pretty good. Starting to really slow down in my activity level, although i have my bursts of energy. I can tell the heat this summer is gonna be a real hoot! I learned my lesson yesterday while walking out in the heat for a few hours (rummaging with some good peeps) and not drinking enough water. Dully noted to drink way more water with the heat! I am still enjoying baby boy's movement but have to be honest...at times I do ask him to settle it down a bit...he doesn't really listen to me all that well! also on topics of my stomach...i feel like it's about to burst open...i won't share the dream i had of that last night! I also have started to have Braxton Hicks contractions (actually i have had them for a few weeks but didn't realize what they were until the doctor confirmed it for me).
Baby this week continues to grow. The biggest change this week is in his brain. Until now his brain has been smooth, but this week it starts to change and create those grooves and indentations we are familiar with. I guess that means he just keeps getting smarter and smarter! He keeps adding fat to himself (i am secretly hoping that is where my higher than normal weight gain came from.) His testes are now fully descended into his scrotum. His head continues to grow with hair. This next one allows me to breathe a small sigh of relief...if he was born tomorrow his lungs are now capable of breathing air! However, i think i'll try and keep him cooking for a little while longer! He is weighing in at around 2.5 pounds and about 14 inches long.
Well off to bed...way past my bed time and i gotta get up early for work. I am starting my two week stretch of full time again, so mamma might be little tired for the next few weeks!
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