Well, I have been working and Derek has been pulling double duty with work...at Accutech and then when he gets home. The projects are coming along and looks like we will be ready for this baby soon! I have also been busy getting ready for the big annual rummage at the Umnus household t be held this weekend. Hopefully the weather is going to cooperate with us!
I have been feeling well for the most part, except this past week starting to feel that morning sickness feeling again. Have only vomited today, but if this continues into tomorrow i may be calling the doctor's office. The baby is still quite active which is relief with the uneasy feeling. It has been interesting to be able to watch my stomach at times and see him literally move and change positions instead of just a nice left hook to my organs. I say left hook because Derek is determined to have our son be a lefty for sports. On that left hook note, sometimes he gets me so good that if i am resting my hands on the Buddha, they are literally lifted off with the force...crazy kid! I have been continuing to slow down and taking lots of deep breaths as baby boy enjoys laying and pushing mostly towards my ribcage and lungs. I always find him laying sideways (i think anyway) near my ribcage. I have also been taking naps again during the day when i am not working. Derek enjoys watching movies with me these days because i am usually fallen asleep on the couch by 9pm and he needs to tell me the last half of the movie.
Baby boy is growing and growing since we last "talked" he is roughly 17 inches in length and weighing in at a hefty 3 pounds or slightly more. He will continue to gain about .5-1 pound a week from here on out. All of his major organ systems are functioning and the major milestones from here on out will be adding that cute little baby fat we all like to comment on. He is yawning, opeing and closing his eyes, sucking his thumb, and eaven has the occasional hiccup (which i am not sure i have truly felt yet).
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