Well it has been a busy week around the Umnus household. We held our annual rummage sale and although the traffic was a little slower we did pretty darn good. Grand total for all 10 families together was a whopping $1703! I have to say I am glad there are not pictures of me from those 4 days because the heat did a number on me and i know for sure my feet looked like sausages! Here is a pic of the goods we had on day 2.
The nursery has also been coming together slowly but surely. Derek has bit by bit getting the molding up in the room and finished it on Tuesday night! Just in time because our crib was delivered last night along with the conversion rails (but we won't need those for a few years)! Mia was playing jail kitty underneath...it was comical to watch her slide her "little" body underneath the railing to get in...
So besides the dresser (which will be the changing table also) we have all the big items for the nursery. We had gotten the glider and ottoman a few weeks back and has been on display in the living room since then.
Thanks to Carla for wanting to head to IKEA a few weeks back and being a trooper for bringing back this bookcase! We had a blast walking through that store and ended up also finding the lamp and two shelves for the nursery! After some final thoughts, the star (even though it goes with the theme) will stay in the hallway...think of it as welcoming you to the nursery! :)
Well, I had my 32 week appointment with the doc yesterday. It went well and everything appears to be normal so far. I gained another 6 pounds which I promptly told the nurse before she weighed me that from here on out, any weight gain we see will surely be the baby and water because of the heat! She laughed and said something that made me feel so much better...coming from a stick thin nurse who is probably 120 pounds soaking wet..."If it makes you feel any better I gained 50 and 68 pounds with my first two pregnancies." ...and yes that did make me feel better! Blood pressure was good at 118/64. Baby boy Umnus's heartbeat was in the low 150's and Doctor is estimating he weighs about 4.5 pounds right now. I am measuring at 34 weeks (so two ahead now) but the doc said she would only be concerned if I was 3 weeks ahead. You never know, but we may be having an August baby after all! (which to be honest if this heatwave continues and the baby is okay to meet the world, I would be okay with it too). She answered my many questions again like a trooper and calmed my fears like she always does. She did say that after 34 weeks if I do start to go into labor she more than likely will not stop it! ahhhh...now that was a little scary to hear! Our birthing classes are not even until week 36! If we do go into labor during those classes, Derek's response would be "at least we are at the hospital already!"
I have been feeing okay for the most part. I have been feeling something similar to morning sickness again in the morning for the past few weeks on/off and even vomited a couple times and almost did in the office too! Now that would have been embarrassing. Doctor assured me that it is more than likely morning sickness returning which can happen to a few lucky ones and not to worry to much about it. Next appointment is in two weeks people! That's right TWO weeks! We are in the homestretch and starting to get a little more anxious, but a good anxious...now if that damn dresser was here! :)
Here I am at 32 weeks...wonder what I will look like in 8 more weeks! ahhh...

Baby Boy this week should be roughly 19 inches tall (sound about right for the jabs and stretches i have been feeling!). He should be sleeping for 90-95% of the day, but I beg to differ with the book on this one. Most of his wrinkles are disappearing due to the fat deposits being made which in turn is making his skin opaque like ours. He is supposed to be head down by now or in the next few weeks...but I am thinking he is not there yet, because sometimes it feels like he is laying sideways and stretching out as far as he can push it...which always feels so nice! Until next week!
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