My oh my! We can't believe that on Sunday our little monkey turned one month old already! I can see how everyone says the time goes so fast! We have been loving and snuggling with Mason as much as we can. He keeps us entertained with his faces and movements. He has started to track things with his eyes now. We are still working on the night/day issue but pretty much have come to the conclusion he will figure it our by the time he is 3 least we are hoping anyway! He has been doing better with eating, actually I think he is going through a little of a growth spurt as he wants to eat much more frequently (took us a day to realize this is why he gets so fussy lately...oops). He still is spitting up frequently, so i am guessing he may a little GERD like his daddy. He is growing. When we were at Children's last week, they weighed him and was at 8lbs 4oz (although I am a little skeptical due to scale differentials) and he is now starting to fit into some of him smaller 0-3 month clothes...really more for length then pudge. He has also started to lose that baby hair, but strangely enough just on the top in a "V" formation ...looks silly but on a baby that translates to "oh so cute".

Tummy Time is always up in the air. Sometimes we like it for awhile, sometimes we think it is nap time and fall asleep, and other times we absolutely do not care for it at all. Yesterday he did really well with it and lifted his head much higher then he has before. I am not sure how much neck control he is "supposed" to have at this time but when we sit him up to burp or is on our shoulder, he for sure is working it well!

he didn't even attempt to lift his head, just closed his eyes soon as I put him down...stinker!

2nd attempt later that day...maybe he shouldn't party so hard at night!

Daddy playing with me before some more tummy time.

One Month Old?!

This what happens when Daddy's hand doesn't help support me
On Monday we decided to meet daddy for lunch in Franklin. He was so proud to show off his little man to his co-workers. The ladies just drooled over him...don't worry they didn't really. For lunch we headed to Cousin's Subs and mommy enjoyed every last bite of her cold turkey sandwich.

We are still getting used to cutting Mason's nails. Can't they just naturally cut themselves? I make Derek do it because I am way too afraid of cutting more then the nail. Mason just couldn't bear to watch! :)

Well, until next blog update!

He just couldn't bear to watch...or maybe the light was in his eyes...your call

like my new wig?
Since Mia doesn't get alot of attention these days...she has developed new ways to entertain herself!

an iPhone is now on her Christmas list!
1 comment:
Nice update Sara. Lots of cute pics and captions. Love & Kisses to you, Derek and especially Mason XOXOXO
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