Here is a picture of me the night I went into labor...

And here we are two weeks later!

Things seem to be going as well as expected here in the Umnus household. Mason is keeping us entertained and melting our heart every chance he gets. We are taking in all the 101 faces he likes to make and starting to realize what some of them mean. I think we have the going to poop face down as it always comes with some grunting, full leg extensions, and some crying out. I am still nurising "on demand" but he is starting to get himself into a little but of a routine...about every 2-4 hours depending on how well he eats. He has also started to allow us to sleep a little more at night...We have a little routine going at night where Derek gets up to change his diaper once he starts fussing and then I feed him. Seems to be working out 8/10 times. As for mama sleeping when baby sleeps...well we are trying to work on is so much harder than i thought it would be to take a nap during the day...When I was pregnant it was simple! On another note, he is such a furnace just like his daddy. At night he will sometime sweat right through his sleeper and that's all he has on him! Oh well, I guess I will stay nice and toasty this winter with my two boys!

Here is our precious boy with Hurumph the elephant at two weeks old...expect more pictures with him next to the big guy to watch him grow!

Great Aunt Dawn came to visit and love on Mason this week...

...and she brought Great Aunt Sue too!
Mason had his 2 weeks appointment on Wed and most everything went well. I got peed on for the first time as I was holding him sans diaper in a blanket waiting for the Doctor. It is amazing how before child I would have been grossed out, but now I just went on with my day until I got home to change. His weight was not where the doctor would like to see. He weighed in at 7 pounds so he only gained 2 ounces since one week prior and still is 4 ounces short of birth weight. We discussed that Mason doesn't really like to give up the burps easily and he spits up a lot including some projectile vomiting that included through the nose. She gave me some tips and they seem to working part of the time. We are going in this coming Wed for a weight check to see how he is progressing, but if things don't improve she plans on doing a GERD work up. So fingers crossed that he doesn't have to have that done and he starts getting the spitup/vomiting under control. But she did give the go ahead for Big Boy baths!

Mason's first "Big Boy" bath this week since his umbilical cord fell off and his pee pee is all healed up! Daddy read him a water book and was mostly interested in it.

Mommy getting Mason all cleaned up!

He pretty much enjoyed his bath with little crying/fussing.

Daddy getting Mason to smile! Just melts our hearts!

Our first attempt at Tummy Time went well as you can tell! :)

Just chilaxing!

As you can see Mia has started to warm up to the little man or she just really misses cuddling with me!
1 comment:
You guys have a seriously cute and VERY handsome little boy :) I love, love, love the picture of Derek reading to Mason in the tub. Way to get him hooked on books early!!! Makes a kindergarten teacher very happy! Hope you're getting some rest!
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