Well, I have neglected to post for a whole 10 days. So this equates to a boatload of pictures! So enjoy!

Last Saturday (10.2.10) Grandma Pam came to visit and get some snuggle time in! Then Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Dave came into have supper and visit and of course snuggle! Grandma Pam and Grandma Kathy made a yummy supper for everyone. I got to enjoy it at a later time.

Dad showing everyone how my head is almost the size of my pumpkin that Grandpa Dave grew for me!

Grandma Pam reading to me before she had to go home

After work on Tuesday, Daddy and I had a staring contest...I won!
Thursday we hung out at home eating, napping, and pooping...

Naked Tummy Time...gotta air that gas machine out once and awhile :)

Out for walk in the warm fresh air. Like my pumpkin hat?
On Friday, we didn't do much except wait for Erin to come visit and then take a nap.

My long time friend, Erin, was in town from Door County and loved on Mason for a few hours.

"oops...I lost my pants!"
Guess who slept in his Big Boy Bed overnight for the first time on Saturday night...


"hmmm, this isn't so bad!"

Mason's interesting balding head...suppose we could put it in a mohawk.

I don't think he liked the Mohawk idea...
On Saturday I finally took the pumping plunge. I figure I should probably get some supply stocked away so the milk maid can get away for more than an hour or so at a time. It was great because Derek and Mason got some quality bonding time together over a bottle.

not bad for the first time

He took the bottle like a champ...and then needed his mama for top off... 2 ounces is just not enough! :)
Today, Sunday, we just hung out at home with the windows wide open and enjoyed the Packers

Showing everyone what my poop/gas face looks like while enjoying the Packers today.

Smiling because we thought the Packers were gonna win

"Go Pack, Go!"

"What? you don't hang out in just your diaper and cool green socks?"

If it's possible, Mason keeps getting cuter each time I see him!!! I love the Packer outfit, too bad they couldn't pull off a win today! Hope we see you guys soon, I miss snuggling with Mason! :)
Cute, cute and so much cuteness. I love all your pictures. Miss you, Ang
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