WOW!! I am about to utter the words I am sure every mother says from time to time..."Where has the time gone?"

Two month picture with Pooh...He apparently celebrated too much during the day

Snuggling up with Hurumph at 2 months
2 months (and one day) ago we were anxiously waiting to meet Mason and take in all he had to offer. And today at 2 months his personality is starting to shine through. About a week ago...he started doing this reactively to our coos and silly faces...

He pretty much has a stubborn streak in him already, but I am not sure who is gets that from...must be his daddy because mommy is NEVER stubborn. :)hehehe When he is being fed via the bottle and you take that bottle of gold away to burp him and he thinks he is not ready to burp...he has developed a distinct cry for that...We find it kinda comical actually...but we won't tell him that when he grows up. If he doesn't get that liquid gold fast enough he will let you know it as well. This has posed a slight problem with needing to give him enzymes before feeding. Sometimes it can be a real fight to get him to swallow the applesauce/enzymes 1st.

Speaking of the Enzymes, he is doing fairly well with them. Of course he always makes liars of us when others are around to witness...he takes them soooo good and quick then. The monster diaper rash that he had as a result of the enzymes is looking SOOOO much better today. I made it my mission on Monday to leave it open to air as much a possible. I even took the blow drier (on low heat) to that cute little bum a couple of times. Now that must have been a sight to see walking past the front window!
I took him in for a weight check this morning. We will be doing those every week until we go back to the CF clinic in November. I felt a little strange, because I must call when i arrive and the nurse meets me at a separate entrance and head right into an exam room. Kinda felt like a little celebrity for a millisecond. It was nice to get that treatment but by no means do i wish we need to get it during the cold/flu season. So the big news is that he gained 9 ounces in a week. He is now up to 10lbs 12ounces!!! I think all the extra bottles of breast milk that we add some formula to (for extra calories) is helping!

I most likely will be jinxing myself here, but it has started to fall into a routine for eating at least. He is currently eating 6 times a day and usually will let us sleep 2 stretches of 4-5 hours. Most times he is hungry between 2am and 4am. So that has been a nice thing to get used to. The sleeping during the day part is still all over the board... some days he wants to sleep and others he wants to stay up quite a bit.

These pictures were actually taken today because the little stinker knows when the camera is on...His smile is actually much bigger but he wouldn't give it up with the camera pointed at him!
He pretty much has a stubborn streak in him already, but I am not sure who is gets that from...must be his daddy because mommy is NEVER stubborn. :)hehehe When he is being fed via the bottle and you take that bottle of gold away to burp him and he thinks he is not ready to burp...he has developed a distinct cry for that...We find it kinda comical actually...but we won't tell him that when he grows up. If he doesn't get that liquid gold fast enough he will let you know it as well. This has posed a slight problem with needing to give him enzymes before feeding. Sometimes it can be a real fight to get him to swallow the applesauce/enzymes 1st.

A rare moment of non crying/fussing while waiting to get his enzymes
I took him in for a weight check this morning. We will be doing those every week until we go back to the CF clinic in November. I felt a little strange, because I must call when i arrive and the nurse meets me at a separate entrance and head right into an exam room. Kinda felt like a little celebrity for a millisecond. It was nice to get that treatment but by no means do i wish we need to get it during the cold/flu season. So the big news is that he gained 9 ounces in a week. He is now up to 10lbs 12ounces!!! I think all the extra bottles of breast milk that we add some formula to (for extra calories) is helping!

I most likely will be jinxing myself here, but it has started to fall into a routine for eating at least. He is currently eating 6 times a day and usually will let us sleep 2 stretches of 4-5 hours. Most times he is hungry between 2am and 4am. So that has been a nice thing to get used to. The sleeping during the day part is still all over the board... some days he wants to sleep and others he wants to stay up quite a bit.
He has been fitting into some of his smaller 0-3 months clothes a few weeks now, but still has a few newborn outfits that fit him. Love the sizing difference between brands! Here he is showing off last season's Oshkosh B-Gosh Fall line...
We were going to have some mid week visitors but because of the High Wind conditions we had to entertain ourselves during the day. Grandma Pam and Great Grandma Grace were going to come visit on Tuesday, then is got pushed back to Wednesday, and then pushed again to Saturday. So, we are getting ready for a pretty busy weekend. Friday night we are getting together with most of the Dinner Club to warm the new house of Steighner, Saturday we are going to be entertained by the Altoona folk, and on Halloween we are getting together with the Dinner Club again, but this time at a Pumpkin Farm/Petting Zoo and then trick or treating with the Molle's! So We should have a lot to post about on Monday!

Here is the new band that Derek is wearing. You may have noticed that while we were pregnant (and even before) he was wearing a yellow "Strength" band. He wore it the hole time as a good luck for a healthy pregnancy. So now he has a new one to wear to help bring awareness to Cystic Fibrosis and to honor Mason's fight.
1 comment:
Mason is starting to get "chubby cheeks"
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