Happy to report that we most likely have a day care provider set up for M,W,F and working on T,R. After Wed. I will know for sure. He just might already know someone at daycare too...Lauren! To be honest, up until this point I really didn't think it was going to be that hard to send him to a daycare. Then yesterday it kinda set in and made me a little sad and nervous. We had talked about me staying home longer with him, but realize that I have to go back to work. The nice thing about my current position is that I will still have days to be with him it will just be a fluctuating schedule. I have to say that I am more nervous than sad just because I am worried about his health (i.e. germs/cold/flu, etc) being in such close quarters to other small children during this winter. Then with me working in healthcare i wonder what am I bring home to him? CF clinic told me that i should just take my shoes off before i go in the house and change my clothes before i hold him. Just another thing about CF that I need to tell myself that I can't control everything he is exposed to.

So this picture is NOT very flattering of me but I thought I would post it anyway. This just shows how Mia tries her hardest to cuddle with me when I am holding Mason.
This weekend Mason took his very first "big" trip to Eau Claire. In doing so, he had his first sleep over and visit to Grandma Pam's house. The trip up took us about 5 or so hours, not really sure why. Packing on Friday really did not go as planned. Mason really isn't too keen on keeping up with my schedule. So we ended up leaving the house about 7:15pm then stopping outside of Madison to get supper and feed the little guy. His first "dining out" experience was at Subway! As you can see below he enjoyed his first meal there! As expected he slept for 99% of the trip and I enjoyed a few z's as well!

"eating out" at Subway!
On Saturday we (Mason, Mommy, and Grandma Pam) headed to Onalaska to celebrate the upcoming birth of Mason's future 3rd cousin. We had a good time. Great Grandma Grace couldn't get up fast enough to meet her newest family addition. Everyone kept commenting on his cuteness and mommy couldn't help but smile real big. He was a trooper and was very alert for the majority of the time. I must say that I was a bit nervous to see how it was going to go because I really didn't know if anyone was sick. Everything went very well though and everyone was great at sanitizing there hands before holding him.

mommy got a lot of breaks this weekend with Grandma around

LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture!

I think I love this picture almost as much! Do you think Great Grandma Grace is proud? :)

Holding Great Grandma Grace's Hand...so precious!

Four Generations! You have no idea how long I have wanted a picture like this! Just makes me sooooo happy!

Great Grandma Grace with two of her Great Grandson's!
(Derek and Mason)

Celebrating with my cousin Amanda at her baby shower! Can't wait until Jan. to find out if the baby will wear pink or blue!

Three Generations
After the shower we went over to Amanda's house to see it and the nursery. We ended up staying a bit longer then planned but we had a good time visiting with family. My Uncle/Godfather, Jeff, came over to meet Mason as well. Because we were there for so long, Mason got his very first bottle of full formula. He didn't even seem to notice! Unfortuantly, because we were looking at the 770 pictures that are on the camera...my battery died and forgot the charger...so these next 5 pictures are from Grandma Pam's camera that she was nice enough to send my way!

Mason is really starting to show us his personality...

Posing for Grandma's Camera

visiting grandma is rough work! :)
On Monday (11.8.10) Mason was a bit more needy, we will say. He did not want to be put down and really fought going to sleep even though it was pretty obvious he wanted to. So we got a lot of snuggle time in yesterday while the housework waited. Derek was a HUGE help when he got home and picked up the whole house! (It got a little messy from Friday's attempt to pack for the trip) He had actually told me to leave it during the day and to rest when Mason did and he would worry about it when he got home from work. He is such a great guy, not sure what we did to deserve him!

The Moby Wrap has been my friend...

just lounging on my happy place! :)

I give mommy and daddy some really BIG smiles on the changing table. She just needs to be really quick with the camera...Notice that I am holding onto my football rattle? I have started holding onto them for longer periods of time now.

Got home from up north to find some animal wanting to carve our rotting pumpkins!

Last but not least, I came around the corner this morning and saw this! Mia has been VERY needy since we got back from the weekend (which she always was before), but she has been wanting to cuddle a little more and more with Mason...under our watchful eye!
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