It's gonna be a long post this week, since I haven't blogged in 7 days. I took Mason in on Wed for his weekly weight check. He gained 3oz this week. He is up to 10 pounds 15 ounces. So if we look at the combined two weeks he gained roughly 6 ounces a week...just under what they want to see, but the CF clinic is not going to change anything at this point. Looks like we no longer have to start him on Prevacid (at this point). With the info i provided to them on his "symptoms" they decided to wait on it, especially after we discussed that the insurance company would not cover it due to his age. Just knowing what will be coming down the pike for him, I would really like to keep him on the least amount of medication we can. He really has started to get into a sleeping routine, by allowing us to get about 5 hours rest at night. Overall, Mason continues to make us smile all the time since he has started to smile quite a bit. He also is doing a lot of "talking" these days. I just can't wait for the giggle! enjoy all the pictures!

We like to get on the surf board everyday and do a little surfing on our tummy! Mason has some really good neck strength and control already.


I am so darn cute!

We are all smiles these days! Just makes whatever you are thinking about disappear! Lately Mason gives us the biggest smiles while on his changing table.

Just hangin' out in the Jungle...

up close and personal

Telling us a very animated story about the game

Mommy tried to do an impromptu photo-shoot because this outfit was so darn cute...This was the best picture we got....maybe next time... He just needs to learn that when mommy wants to do a photo-shoot he's gotta be ready! :)

Mia wanting in on that action

Grandma Kathy feeding me my enzymes...they were so tasty they blew my pants right off!

My Halloween Costume. Mom and Dad didn't get me in my costume on Halloween. We were going to go trick-or-treating with some of the Dinner Club but we got home a little late and I was hungry.

My Halloween Baskets 2010

The morning we were meeting up the Dinner Club to go to a pumpkin patch and petting zoo (on Halloween), I had gotten up and taken a shower. Mason was a little fussy so Derek was singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to him (the song usually calms him down within seconds). As I was getting into the shower i could hear Derek's signing slowing down...When I got out of the shower this is what I found in the living room! Ha! Derek was fast asleep and Mason was least the singing put one of them to sleep!

Ella, Lauren, and Breaden at the Petting Zoo...Sophia hadn't arrived yet.

Helping Breaden through the chicken coup which he loved

The little family on Mason's 1st Hay Ride!

We found a Big Wheels! Bring back memories!

This is how excited throughout the entire Petting Zoo Mason was!

We could take home as many pumpkins as we wanted as it was the last day of their you can see there was a lot left rotting, but a lot were gone.

Snap #1

Snap #2

Snap #3...time to go home

Since we were in the area for the Pumpkin Patch, we surprised Grandma and Grandpa.
"Trick or Treat"

Watching the race with Grandpa

It was time to go home and Grandma Kathy tried getting my hat on...i now look like the "drunkest pumpkin in the patch." :)

Love those cheeks

never guess what he is smiling up at...the ceiling fan!

Becoming Fast Friends!
Great pictures and stories to go with them. Derek looked right at home on the Big Wheel.
thanks! Yes I guess it brought back memories for him too!
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