We held our 6th annual rummage this past weekend. We almost didn't get it done this year due to our stay the infamous Children's Hotel in the Umnus Suite. It took a couple of weeks to get back to our routine once we got home. But, we got it done! I would say it was pretty successful for being so late in the rummage season with cold and rainy weather. Total sales for the 3 day event was $834 which is normally our day one total! This was for all 4 families who participated. A little extra money to pay off some medical bills always helps! We even were able to donate some money to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

The spread for the 2011 rummage season

"pick a duck, any duck!"

"I like this duck Mama!"

Mason LOVED playing in the water.
He would have stayed there for hours if we would have let him!

Helping pick out the prizes

Helping figuring out the total.

child labor at it's finest!

helping grandma with the calculator...Mason is pretty smart for his age!
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