Mason and Mommy spent part of the day on Tuesday at the Zoo. Mommy and Daddy got a Zoo pass and love it. It has already paid for itself in three short visits! I have discovered the absolute best time to go to the zoo and actually SEE animals is on a Tuesday afternoon! It felt like the apocalypse at times.

Where is everyone mom?

Mason said the train ride was on him and then I realized he paid with MY checkbook!
Sneaky kid!
Braeden came over for a play date on Monday night while Jackie went to an appointment. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. We played for awhile, ate supper, and then took a walk in the wagon.

They played really well together...maybe BFF? :)

Apparently, ON the table is the place to play.


Thought it might tire them out...just the opposite.

Let's get this show on the road folks!
Just some more random pictures from the month of September to share. Mason is getting soooooo close to walking. He just needs one little burst of confidence to take that first step. Then, of course, we will be wishing he would just sit still! He is babbling up a storm. He is learning new things everyday and picks up on stuff so quickly. He is off of baby food for the most part, which makes me a little nervous because of counting calories. He is attempting just about everything we eat with gusto. We of course find ways to incorporate more fat and calories to every item. You sure can find a way to add sour creme to a lot of stuff! Not sure we will ever get our pre baby bodies back with Mason's diet! Lots of Pediasure around here too. We have our "year" appointment on Monday at the CF clinic, so will see where he is "at". To be honest I don't expect to see a weight gain, but we will see. He will most likely have blood work, throat swab/culture, and chest x-ray done. We are also talking about switching doctors to a more aggressive one in the clinic. The whole hospital stay made us realize a few things that maybe our "styles" are a little different than our current doc's. So, on with the real reason you stop by the blog...Pictures!

This is how you make the medicine go into the chamber, mom.

We have a drive-in theater IN our house!

how many yogurt bites do you have in there buddy?!

When it's too quite in the house, it's time to investigate...

Mason really enjoys putting things inside of other things. Just not sure this is the best place be putting your nuk little boy.

Is there snow outside yet?

Sometimes, my Vest makes me very sleepy

Forgot to fill up the tank on the way home...
See below for another post from tonight!
1 comment:
T.R.O.U.B.L.E. I think they get that from their fathers. :)
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