October is almost over and Mason has changed so much since he turned 1. He finally took that leap of faith with that first few unassisted steps on October 1st and now has us on our feet (toes) more than we would like! We were just like everyone else as they anxiously/nervously ("is he ever gonna walk?!")/excitingly waiting for that moment and now just want him to sit down for a breather! :) Such an amazing sight to see your child become more and more independent with every step (pun intended).

This is what Mason looks like these days!

playing the drums and posing for a pic before the gig.

rockin' out

he worked up an appetite...
As mentioned in previous posts, we got a Zoo Pass and LOVE it! It has already paid for itself over and over. So nice to not feel guilty about being there for an hour or so...$100 well spent since we already went 5 times since the beginning of Sept! A few weeks ago Auntie Kris came over and we headed to the Zoo. We had great weather and Mason enjoyed himself so much we needed an outfit change. Good thing it was unseasonably warm because we had a diaper only clad boy in the middle of the action and all he wanted was to get at his snack.

gotta stay hydrated! Gatorade with added salt "yum!"

The Zombie walk demonstrated

always go for a train ride before we leave!
Mason is eating all table food now. He continues to love to eat yogurt (it is our go to food if he refuses all else) and applesauce. He likes peas, turkey, and cheese. To be honest there is not much he won't at least take a few bites of...with the exception of pancakes... immediately spits them back out! It has become such a normal thing that we add oil/butter/salt to all his food. In the store we are often putting back food that is "low fat" and make a game of who can find the most fattening food. We get excited when we see a lot of calories/fat/sodium in one small item. I will be honest and say that part still feels weird and I struggle with it some on several levels. Just another way CF keeps poking it's head into our day. He is not a big drinker and he is not too excited about leaving the bottle in the dust. Still working on that and trying to get him to hold the bottle/sippy cup.

like father, like son... :)

Mason let us know he wanted this bag a chips by pulling it into the cart himself! Probably should be glad it wasn't a bottle of wine on the right!

I do love my undefeated Super Bowl Champ Packers!

Mason will love me in 15 years when he sees this! Finally captured his poppy face. ha! He stops what he's doing, makes a few grunts, and his nose gets red!

he plays by a different set of rules...I foresee many a trip to the E.R....just scroll away from this picture Grandma. :)

We hung out in the Mommy and Mason fort this week. Mason opted for exiting via under the chair instead of the opening...10 times over.

Love my daddy!

Hello Ladies!!!!
What does he like to do: open the game cabinet and take out all the playing cards and play 52 card pick up, climb on top of his play table and play with toys, pull all his books out of the shelf and page through them but won't sit still enough to actually read to him, makes a beeline to the linen/storage cabinet in the bathroom if the door is left open and pull out all the bottles of shampoo/body wash then proceed to put them back in the cabinet then repeat, turn on/off light switches especially the one at the top of the stairs because he can reach it himself, run after Mia, gives lots of hugs and Eskimo kisses, take any object out of a container and place it back in then repeat, and climb up on to the red chair next to his Vest/nebulizer machine and sit (even if it is for 20 secs), laughs a ton(can't get enough of that), enjoys sneaking up and startling you and vice versa, he is babbling non stop with some distinct words he says "mama", "daddy/dada", "kitty", and "yea".....is this a record for the longest run on sentence? Ha!

Gotta get my blog post up!

Sometime I like to play in my closet...

Remember how I said he likes to put objects into other objects? This was 8:00pm....and

...this was 8:10pm. Pretty fancy clothes hamper!

Hey everybody!

It was only a matter of time when he discovered what fun TP can be! So, what did I do but grab the camera and let him continue to play while I laughed this one time.
He as been to see the doctor twice this month already. He ended up with a cold that turned into a double ear infection. That was not fun. It meant antibiotics, increased treatment to 3x day, nasal spray, nebulizer meds 2x day, and a whole lot of praying it didn't get into his lungs. The cold was the worst part only because he would cough and wheeze in his sleep. There were a few times that I bolted into the room because I didn't like what I heard. We put a pillow under one side of the crib mattress to help with drainage. He even got a chest x-ray because he sounded so gunky...I think his x-ray count since birth is literally in the 40's! He is going to glow in the dark soon! We went back 11 days later for his flu shot and recheck those ears...looks good now! He weighed in at 23 pounds 2 ounces with minimal clothing on and was measured at 31 1/4 inches. We will see where he is on Nov. 14th in the CF clinic.
The post below this has all our excitement at the Pumpkin Farm. Getting excited for Halloween as this will be Mason's first year to participate since he can walk all over and even eat some of the candy! It won't be too hard to figure out what he is going to be!