This past weekend we took a little trip to a pumpkin farm down by Union Grove. We could not have asked for better weather! It was a fantastic day for pickin' a punkin'. This place is going to be great when Mason is a little older...trailer rides, corn maze, hay tunnels, and bouncy house. It was awesome to see him explore and watch him take it all in. Last year he was so young and this year he can get into so much more trouble! I think Mason loved it also since he refused to go down for a nap all day until he gave in at 8pm! So, in no particular order are the memories from the day...

Those pumpkins were soooo much bigger than him
hmmm... awkward family photo anyone?!?

King Mason of the House of Hay
"I choose this one, Daddy!"

again with the awkward family photo...but that is a real pumpkin if your wondering!

Beware of the Green and Blue ghost...but I hear the White ghost is friendly

There are no words for this picture... :)
walking, walking, walking everywhere
Love this little guy!
Mason loves his grandpa Dave

31 1/4 inches to be exact
Mason was not loving picture time at this point

not a John Deere but it will do

we had the hardest time taking this picture because all he wanted to do was look at all the kids running around
Grandma posted bail for him if you were wondering.
This was Mason telling us it was time to go home now
Oops I lost my pants
Again, Mason telling us he was done for the day

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