Written on 9.26.11
Mason had his "One Year" appointment at the CF clinic today. We spend a pretty good chuck of our day at Children's...9:15am to 1:30pm! The appointment was Great! Mason is up to 22lbs 2oz putting him into the 30% and is almost 31 in tall! That is a 2 oz shy of one pound in a month! Mason has had a "small" cold that we caught right away. We had started to up his Vest treatments to three times a day but because he is better so quickly we are backing down to the twice a day! We will finish out the antibiotic on Friday and then back down the Pulmozyme to once a day starting in one week. Our days will feel so much more free! But it was such great visit we don't have to come back for 3 months!

Our current pulmonlogist is also a lead researcher in CF at Children's. Today we signed up for another research project. We are happy to help by participating, you never know what will come of it! This project is looking at the DNA of CF person and their parent's to see not only what CF gene mutations they have but are there other DNA markers that affect a CF person's progression of lung disease. You see, people may have the same two mutations but their CF presents and progresses differently. So we, as a a family, went up to 4th floor research lab to have our blood drawn together! Was a funny sight! I guess a family who draws blood together stays together...
We were also able to get a loot before we left. We ended up taking home a new nebulizer kit, inhaler, mask, and 6 cases of pediasure for free! That's $288 worth of pediasure people! Such is the life of CF... excitement over new medical crap! HA!

Now just to stay healthy as the cold/flu season is starting. So we go back to being more cautious with our outings and hand hygiene. Hand washing is the number one way to help prevent the spread of infections! So be forewarned that we will be asking you to wash your hands more around Mason. We already had one hospital stay (look for a post coming up on that) and would like to keep it that way for a LONG LONG time.
We also picked up a new Avent iQ24 baby bottle sterilizer. This the is one that the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation recommends for sterilizing things primarily nebulizer stuff. Anyone know if we can write this $90 machine off on taxes? We ill be buying them yearly from now on.
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