Monday, March 1

13 weeks...

Sorry about the late post. Last Thursday Derek and I went to our first official OB appointment. It was exciting and nerve wracking all in the same big ball of wax. We really liked Dr. Young and we really liked the fact that she took a lot of time talking with us and answering our page full of questions. She really had set my mind at ease which helps. The appointment went well and it was so very different than the appointments we have had up until this point. First of all the appointment lasted more than 10 minutes! Second, there was no ultrasound. :( We have gotten so used to being able to see our little one every time we go in for an appointment that it felt a little weird not to. But we did get to hear the heartbeat, which is always when i hold my breath and say a little prayer that the doc can find it. She did and it was in the 160's. The other thing she informed us about was that we will only be getting one more ultrasound until birth unless anything would warrant another. That was kinda a bummer but i think once i can feel the little one moving around i will probably be feeling a little more okay with it. The one ultrasound will be the BIG one sometime during the week of April 12th! We will be finding the gender so that we can start making bigger plans. If you know me, i like a plan. We can't wait for that day. There are many predictions already for both boy and girl...and all i know is that it won't be both.

Derek and I have been hitting up the children's resale shops in the area to just get an idea of what they have and the prices. I know some may disagree, but it just feels wrong to buy all brand new stuff when the kid is only gonna use it for a little while. We are excited for Rummage season to start! Here is a picture of one of the things we found at New To You Kidz in's a duck that you can put in the tub to take the temp. It was only $3.50 in the original packaging! To be honest it is really for me so i know that i am not taking too hot of baths in order to not "cook the baby" (Doctors words not mine)! I like to take baths so hot that my skin turns red, so probably a little to hot for baby!

As for how I have been feeling...well the past few days have been much better. I still get a little tinge of nausea but haven't thrown up my supper like the past few weeks! So i am hoping/crossing my fingers/knocking on wood that maybe the all day sickness has gone on a permanent vacation! I still get tired out easily and end up napping in the afternoon for a few hours and end up back in back by 9:30-10pm. I know I know, enjoy it now while i can! I also have enjoyed the fact that Dr. Young said that my uterus "is nice and big" but is moving higher off my bladder. So i have been able to only enjoy nighttime trips once or twice a night instead of the 3-5! Yea for baby moving north! Here is a picture of my belly at 13 weeks. I still feel like my belly is a little smaller than it was just a few weeks ago! Kinda figured that would happen due to the swelling ovaries that have decreased (not normal size yet, but getting there!)

Here is a picture I lifted from Carla's Blog from the night I announced baby Umnus to the Dinner Club ladies. (Thanks Carla!) It sure was fun finally letting them all in on the secret. Later Derek had told me that he only a few minutes to tell Jason and Tim in person before the wives started calling to see if they heard the news! Derek and I are just so excited that we no longer feel like odd man out with out a kid to talk about or play with when the group is together. Honestly, as silly as it feels liberating! We could not have asked for a better Dinner Club! You have all been so amazing and supportive and we love you all!

Here is one last picture for your viewing pleasure. Mia has learned a new "trick". She will actually try to get my attention in the hallway and lead me to the bathroom so that i can turn the faucet on for her to drink! It is actually very comical to watch because she doesn't just stick her tongue out to lick the water, she feels the need to bite at the water and it ends up all over her face and none in her mouth! She eventually figures it out and licks the water, but sometimes it can take a few minutes. And yes, she does have a bowl of water.

And for all you name mongers out there...We have some names that we are putting on and taking off our list constantly. However, when we decide on a name we will be keeping it a secret until we see our little one, so you will just have to wait on that detail about another 189 days! :)

P.S. i have fixed the pictures on the past few posts so they are now visible...sorry for the inconvenience Jackie! :)

1 comment:

The Herbst's said...

Glad to hear things are getting better and better. You are going to start feeling that little one in no time!