Well, Hello World! The past few weeks have brought some changes, good changes that is. There is no hiding it now! Looks like I have finally gotten the proverbial baby bump because people have been noticing!

I am in that inbetween stage where I feel like I go back and forth from feeling like I drank a few too many shamrock shakes to looking pregnant. I am still wearing my jeans, thanks to the invention of low-rise, (2 pairs only) but i feel that is only going to happen for a few short weeks/days longer. So the time has come to start looking for dum dum dum...maternity clothes. While Derek and I were out this weekend we hit a few new shops "just to look" and walked away with a few new things!

Yes, we do have some names picked out but they are not "for sure's"...so we got a book that breaks them down and not just into lists...found a few more that we like!

we actually got this a few weeks back at a resale shop but never posted about it...Sophia has one just like it and I really liked it and the price was right!
I ended up with two new shirts and a Dress that I am hoping to "grow" into a little for the summer wedding events! I know what you are thinking...."Sara in a Dress?!?!?" Sadly, this may be a common scene this summer as I get big as a whale with a built in human heater! In other Sara news, nothing really new to report. I have only the occasional nausea with dry heaving. I just close my eyes and go to my happy place (a beach on St. Thomas) to make it stop.

This is similar to the image I have in my head....not that you really cared. :)
I have been trying to be more careful when sleeping as well. I have always been a stomach sleeper and that has gone totally out the window and now back sleeping (which i have surprisingly found comfortable) is now not an option. So, it's a good thing that Derek is deep sleeper because I am not sure if he would still be sleeping next to me if he knew how MUCH I am moving and bumping him. The one other pregnancy "symptom" that has been fun has been the acne...so i am embracing my teen days again! :) Eventhough, this is occuring and has occured for millions of women over the years, I am just so incrediably greatful for this experince. Everyday, I wake up and go to bed thanking God for giving us this opportunity to bring a child into this crazy messed up world.
Baby this week is the size of an avacado or naval orange ( about 4 1/2 inches) depending on where you get the info. His/Her heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood a day and the bladder is emptying every 45 minutes! He/She is very active in the womb moving with increased coordination. The hair on the scalp is just starting to form.
Many People have asked if I have felt any movement. That answer is a big ol' NO, but not for lack of trying to feel for it. I know it may be a bit early since this our first pregnancy, but "they" say i could start feeling baby between now and 22 weeks. I will try to lay still and try to see if I sense anything. However, if you know me, i don't lay still for more than a few minutes so, I guess i will have to wait for a while longer to feel our baby doing aerobics.
I have my 16 week appointment with Dr. Young on Thursday, so I will have some additional info then. I am excited and nervous to hear our little ones heartbeat again. It is weird to think that it has been a whole month since we last saw a doctor. Still getting used to that concept. Although, it has taught us some additional patience and trust is the process. At the appointment I am going to try and convince Dr. Young to let me have our "20 week" ultrasound the second week of April and not the third week. I just hope the little one cooperates and lets us see his/her "parts". Then the fun can start with getting the nursery ready with either blue or pink!
Here are a few pictures of what Derek and I found at our new favorite Children Consignment store in West Allis. It is big with alot of stuff above and beyond clothes. We couldn't help ourselves and found a few things that the baby won't use for at least 6 months but the price was right and we were excited for baby!

Baby this week is the size of an avacado or naval orange ( about 4 1/2 inches) depending on where you get the info. His/Her heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood a day and the bladder is emptying every 45 minutes! He/She is very active in the womb moving with increased coordination. The hair on the scalp is just starting to form.
Many People have asked if I have felt any movement. That answer is a big ol' NO, but not for lack of trying to feel for it. I know it may be a bit early since this our first pregnancy, but "they" say i could start feeling baby between now and 22 weeks. I will try to lay still and try to see if I sense anything. However, if you know me, i don't lay still for more than a few minutes so, I guess i will have to wait for a while longer to feel our baby doing aerobics.
I have my 16 week appointment with Dr. Young on Thursday, so I will have some additional info then. I am excited and nervous to hear our little ones heartbeat again. It is weird to think that it has been a whole month since we last saw a doctor. Still getting used to that concept. Although, it has taught us some additional patience and trust is the process. At the appointment I am going to try and convince Dr. Young to let me have our "20 week" ultrasound the second week of April and not the third week. I just hope the little one cooperates and lets us see his/her "parts". Then the fun can start with getting the nursery ready with either blue or pink!
Here are a few pictures of what Derek and I found at our new favorite Children Consignment store in West Allis. It is big with alot of stuff above and beyond clothes. We couldn't help ourselves and found a few things that the baby won't use for at least 6 months but the price was right and we were excited for baby!

Andy and Tim feel free to come play with these bloks anytime your little hearts desire! :)

We know it will be a while before our little on can play with this but the price was too good to pass up and well, we were excited to be buying "baby" stuff.

This clearly is not Ella, you'll have to visit her blog to see pictures. As everyone knows, this is Mia enjoying her cat nip grass. She wouldn't leave it alone for a few days!
1 comment:
Good Luck at your appointment tomorrow. Glad to hear everything is going well. Keep everyone safe.
Love - NC
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