As expected all went well at the doctors this morning. My blood pressure is good and my weight went up 5 pounds. I must say that knowingly gaining weight is both nice and scary at the same time. As a woman (most that is) are looking at the scale all too often to see the number go down or at least stay the same, but i know this is one time that i want the number to go up. I have a goal weight to not exceed which is still in the normal range of what i "should gain". Let's not hope to overachieve that goal! :) I also have been graced with a lovely congested, sore throat, hard to breath cold as of the past day or so. Derek was kind enough to run to Walgreen's last night at 10:30pm to pick up a humidifier and Vick's Vapor rub. Not sure what i would do without this wonderful man! It helped some with the breathing..thankfully because i was getting myself all worked up which was not helping the situation.
Baby's heartbeat was in the 150's-160's range which continues to be normal. I also asked the doctor to show me where my uterus actually is, because all these books say it located here or there and that i should be able to feel the darn thing but i haven't. Well, come to find out i was pressing in the correct place but not hard enough through the belly fat. I still have some tenderness in the right ovary area, but she said that even if it is a residual ovarian cyst there is nothing we can do about it. Lovely! Luckily, it only hurts when i press on it, so i guess i will not press on it any longer...yeah right!
Next appointment with her is on April 19th. But, what Derek and I are most excited about (along with a few future grandparents and others) is the "20 week ultrasound". Well I asked if it could be a bit sooner than the week before my appointment with her (i have to have to go to Waukesha Memorial Perinatal Assessment clinic for it, therefore she wants it done a week before we see her.) She seemed to think that it would be alright...So Thursday April 8th we will be able to find out if we will be having a little boy or girl....that means only two more weeks! yea!!!
While Derek was on a run to pick some items up for work, he stopped in at New To You Kids in Greenfield (it is basically right next door) just to see if they had anything new since their stock changes so frequently. Well, low and behold, there was a bassinet that I checking out at Babies r Us at the same time. Derek inspected it and then wanted me to come take a look, so i drove down to take a look. It is only a year old, looks new, makes musical & nature sounds, and was only $30! I said SOLD!

Unfortunately, Mia has already decided that it is her new bed! So we will have to start with the teaching of spaces that are not hers...wish us luck on that one because we have created a spoiled monster!
I can't believe you are finding out boy or girl in less than 2 weeks! Love all the the great finds too! If you haven't already you should check out once upon a child in brookfield. They usually have some good items. I've especially had luck with shoes there.
we can't believe that it will only be 11 days! We just hope that the little one cooperates! We have been to OUAC in Brookfield and we have also found about 4 other children's consignment shops. "The Playroom Closet" in West Allis is by far the best place we have found (as in selection, size of store, quality of items, and prices). 9306 W. Greenfield Ave is is the address if interested.
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