Sunday, April 18

Baby's First Brewers Tee...

Derek and I headed to Lowe's today to order the new windows for the nursery and office. Since we were in the area, we decided to stop by the two children's consignment stores just to see what they had. I must say it sure is nice to finally be able to head to these stores or stop at rummages with lots of kids stuff! Derek quickly found this 12-month-sized tee for $3.50 in the Sports clothing section, a "no-brainier", he said. He's still on the hunt for Michigan gear!

The nursery has a new color and Derek is working on installing the closet system. I poked my head in to lend an opinion or two and he responded with a smile, "sure glad my supervisor showed up." Always good for laugh he is! :) More updates coming. I have my official 20 week OB appointment tomorrow in which we will discuss the results of the ultrasound and have an otherwise regular appointment. Well off to conduct some more "supervision!" :)

1 comment:

Khagen said...

It is always a good idea "supervise" to be sure project stays on track. Men and power tools can increase the size & cost of a project. Can't wait to see nursery.