Derek and I are getting more and more excited everyday to be having a boy. Still no for sure agreed upon name, but between you and me I think my favorite is starting to sound better and better each day to a one Mr. Umnus. But, it still is a long ways to go, who knows i may even hear another name that i like and change the whole game plan! It is a woman's prerogative you know.
Well, after we found out the great news on Thursday, I took off to Eau Claire. I know I know...we just found out this great news and away i go! But as plans would have it, it's how it worked out. I was off to meet my mom first at the Dent and Bents in the middle of the state and then to the pre sale for Here We Grow Again children's consignment sale. All I have to say is HOLY SMOKES! Women are crazy...I should know because I am one of them. We arrived about 2 hours late and there was soooo much stuff and sooo many women. The prices were pretty good for the most part. My mom, i mean, Grandma, was so excited to be having a grandchild she treated to whatever i wanted from the sale and what she found too. It is soooooo very appreciated beyond what words can describe. Derek and I are just so very thankful and grateful! Thanks Mom!!!! Well, i mainly went looking for some larger items, but most were sold by the time we got there. So here is a look at what we got! Warning! Warning! Warning!

Okay so, it wasn't all from the sale. We hit up some Rummage sales in Eau Claire on Friday and Saturday as well as Once Upon A Child in Onalaska. Derek was a bit surprised to say the least when he came out to the car to carry everything in the house. There is soo much there and hard to believe that we still require so much more! But i think we are good or pretty close on clothes through the 12 month mark!
My most exciting item picked up was the bedding set. I saw it on Thursday night and loved it but didn't get it because of two reasons: 1. I wanted Derek to see it and get his feedback and 2. i didn't want to make an impulse buy because it was the first set that i had seen that i liked. Well, when we went back on Sunday for the 50% off sale i had figured it was meant to be if it was still there...and it was!

While I was away Derek had his little "Honey Do List" and was a champ! He has been working on the nursery prepping it for windows, paint, and closet system. So he finished up the demo (what little there was), hole patching from the nails, and painting the closet! We got all the needed items last night from the trusty Home Depot for the closet system, paint, and ceiling fan. I just hope i like the color of the walls! We tend to have a habit of painting a color and then going back for a different color a few days later! The best quote of the night at Home Depot came from Derek..."that looks like a cart full of projects for me." to which i responded "yes dear." Soon as the closet system is installed I can start to organize....YEA!! He also got all the molding painted and ready for install. He is so wonderful that he even did another little project that has been on the project list for a year...he painted my chalk board so it will fit in better with the sweet he is!

Also while I was away, the in-laws flew back from North Carolina and brought back our stroller system with two bases with them! Not sure how many funny looks they got since there was no child with them, but we wish to extend a big thanks to them for doing that! And an even bigger thanks to the North Carolina branch of Umnus's for allowing us to use the system! It works perfect and we won't have to put on hot pink wheels since we found out it's a boy! Again Mia seems to think that it her's! I have even found her sleeping in it. But to be fair we had borrowed the Herbst's cat stroller awhile maybe she thinks if she sits in it long enough we will take her for a walk!

Derek's mom also took Derek to pick up a Father/Son item at Kohl's over the weekend too! Now they can match on game days!

At 19 weeks baby is weighing in at 9oz or little more since that is what he was a week ago and is measuring 6 inches in length. His permanent teeth buds are forming and overall body growth will start to become rapid now. He is also starting to store iron in preparation for making his own red blood cells. The most amazing thing that baby boy can do now is dream in REM. I am not sure how "they" know this but it's pretty cool! No movement felt yet either. During the ultrasound, it showed that the placenta is attached in the front of my body, so i was informed it may take a little longer for me to feel kicks and punches...bummer. Here I am at 19 weeks...Derek said after not seeing me for a few days that I looked bigger...I then promptly schooled him on words not to say to a pregnant woman. :) I feel like I am carrying all the weight up front and can't imagine how much bigger i am going to i understand why pregnant women say they feel like a whale towards the end!

Sorry this post has been a few days late. I had started my new job at the Rehab Hospital and spent a few days in orientation and it wore me out! It's okay to laugh at that because i hadn't needed to use that much brain power in awhile or get up that early! But I must say I am excited and already have a lot of dates set for the month of May to come in! I like the being around adults during the day and Derek will like the paycheck! :) Talk to you all real soon!
I thought the coolest thing of the whole weekend was the free clothes hangers!!!!!!!
I had a great time all weekend having spent it with you--I found out where Great grandma was too. She was at the casino and had a few to many and stayed the nite. She was with another couple and a "friend".
You look WONDERFUL Sara!! Can't wait to see you guys!
Sara the bedding set looks so cute...can't wait to see the finished nursery.
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