20 Weeks! What an amazing milestone to reach. I am still amazed and feel very blessed to be pregnant everyday. Becoming pregnant was such a dream that Derek and I had literally worked for with all the appointments, ultrasounds, blood draws, and injections. It is hard to believe we are half way through this journey to welcoming our child into our arms.
I had my 20 week OB appointment yesterday and it went well. Blood pressure is good and weight is up again (as it should). Although she is not too concerned with my weight, she hopes not to see a repeat of that number. oops! Baby boy's heart rate was in the 150's and the uterus is right where it should be. When I had lifted my shirt for her to use the doppler, she say's "ooh, what a cute round little belly." I guess I never thought I looked "round". She also discussed the results of the ultrasound and felt there was nothing to worry about. I'll go back in 4 weeks and get my sweet orange drink on!
After the appointment I headed over to Babies R Us to add some items to the registry. I had a plan walking in and well, that all went to hell. I ended up there for 4 hours! I just decided that i kept finding "cute" items and then turning the aisle and find another "cute" item that I would just edit later online. So much for the plan!
Derek has been hard at work on the nursery. He has the first coat of "Pale Sky" on the wall and part of the closet organizer up. He has had two good supervisors!

Baby this week is the size of a small cantaloupe measuring in at about 6 1/2 inches long. Little bambino's testicles have begun to descent from the abdomen. His skin is getting thicker. He is hearing sounds now that are becoming familiar and that may be comforting to him after birth. I do keep telling Derek that I think that baby is going to good friends with Mia because she likes to lay on me and purr away...It will be interesting to test the comforting theory out when i start feeling little bambino more regularly!
Oh and one last thing...I think I may have felt the little bambino. I really don't know how to describe the feeling, but Dr. Young said that since i felt it below my belly button that it most likely was! Yeah! I felt the same thing last night. I can't lie...it does feel a little weird, but reassuring!
1 comment:
Yeah!! Just give it a week and you will be amazed at how often you are feeling that little boy move!
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