The old times refers to the remodeling/updating projects. We haven't really done any in over a year and it is kinda nice to see a change in the place. Derek has been hard at work over the past week/weekends in the nursery. He has finished the closet system (even the custom shelves i had him make), painted in the closet, painted the walls with two coast of "pale sky", and painted the ceiling. On a side note, we painted the ceiling in there when we moved in 5 years ago and with this new coat of paint i wondered what the hell was going on in there over the past 5 years! Uncle Randy helped out this weekend by trimming down the closet doors (THANKS!) so that we can get those painted and hung. Also on the list for the week is the ceiling fan and looks like this coming weekend windows! It will be so nice to have these projects done and out of the way in time for summer! (i am sure i speak for Derek on the DONE part) He has done such a great job so far!

Yea! Now time to fill it up!

This is what our bedroom looked like for a few days while construction was going even spilled out into the hallway...errr
While he was busy IN the nursery, I was busy getting stuff organized and ready to be put in the nursery. I sorted the mountains of clothes we already have for this little one by size, then washed, and either placed on hangers or folded. I also sorted through the various misc items that a baby amazingly needs and didn't like that it was all going to be placed into the cubbies in the closet. So I got a little impatient and headed to Babies R Us and picked up some canvas totes that go great in the room. Now everything looks much more organized and hidden!

Lookin' good so far!

All this stuff is ready for it's rightful place in the dresser when it arrives
I am reading that the little bambino is about the size of a large banana this week and weighs in at 3/4 of a pound. His eyelids and eyebrows are now present. His skin has gone from translucent to opaque. His tongue is fully formed and strengthening his muscles with movement. He is also now swallowing a little bit of amniotic fluid everyday and getting a taste of whatever I am eating. Hope he likes the menu!
As for movement, I think that I am feeling him for sure. It doesn't really feel like gas bubbles but more of a muscle twitch, sometimes an extended muscle twitch. The books says that since i can now feel him i will start to find out if i have a night owl or morning bird...well so far, he likes both times of day and that's a little scary. :) Here is an updated picture of his home for at least the next 4 months.

One last note. I want to congratulate the Trojan family on the arrival of Brodie Dean on April 23rd. From the pictures he looks just like his older brother!
1 comment:
The closet looks terrific...especially with the bins and cute baby clothes! If you ever get the urge to do more organizing you are welcome to stop by any time!
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