Derek says that I remember everything. Not totally true, but I do remember a lot. December 28th, 2009 is one of those days I remember.
One year ago today our lives changed forever.
One year ago today we couldn't believe our eyes.
One year ago today our hearts were racing a mile a minute.
One year ago today our prayers had been answered.
One year ago today we found out a little baby Umnus was already on his way.
I still remember that morning. I knew there may be a small chance I may be preggo because we did not heed the doctors stern warning to stay abstinent because I just had way too many eggs from the hormone injections. I knew I had to test in the at 7:45am I took the test while Derek still slept. I sat there daring the stick to only show me the word pregnant, thinking what it would be like to finally have that be the only word on that god for saken stick. I sat there once again just daring to dream what life would be like with a little one in our arms. Then i looked and there it was. I truthfully stood there, not sure if my eyes had been tricking me. I ran into the bedroom to wake Derek from his slumber and watch his eyes go from groggy to wide eyed. We were finally pregnant! Little did we know what kinda ride we were in for.
Mason is officially a 4 month old now! Crazy to look at him and realize how big he has gotten! He continues to keep us very busy. I sometimes think "how the heck do people do it with more than one?"

Pooh and I for our monthly date!

Here I am with Hurumph too!
He is babbling more and more every day. What makes me worried are the latest noises...the have a very demanding tone to them..eek! :) I love having "conversations" with him. He just lights up and smiles away during those times.
He is getting closer and closer to rolling over I think. He gets to his side from his back and you can see him trying to go further, instead he just ends up moving his whole body about 90 degrees. Tummy time is still not a favorite activity and were told by the doc to spend more time on it. Although he doesn't hold that head up to far yet, those legs are moving like he wants to go somewhere!
laying down on the job.
He does have good head, neck, trunk control when he is upright. Mason also enjoys standing. He is always trying to stiffen up his body and stand...perhaps a walker right off the bat? hmm? :)
pardon my bubbles
We also have been enjoying our excersaucer now that our feet touch the ground. He everyday seems to start to play with the toys attached. I still have to stuff a blanket in there so he doesn't thrash around. He usually will spend about 15 minutes in there before he gets bored with it.
Grandma Pam playing with me in the 'saucer
Those giggles that started about a week or two ago have been gaining steam! He has been giving those performances out with much more frequency. Derek is pretty good at getting him going and you can't help but laugh right along with him. Isn't there anything sweeter than an innocent babies giggle?
And last but not least...Mr. Mason has found his toes in the past few days! Usually during a diaper change is when he most often will grab for them and hold on...making an actual change of the diaper more interesting. :)
His 4 month appointment with Dr. Shallue was on Dec. 23rd. The official report for height is 25 1/4inches (68%)! He has grown 3 inches in less then 2 months! His head circumference is 43cm (74%). His weight, which we were most interested in, was 13lbs 15oz! This puts him in the 35% for weight! YEA! That is a 13 point increase since his last appointment. I guess all those "heaping" scoops of extra formula are helping! Dr. Shallue said to keep on with what we are doing because it's working. She was overall very pleased with how he is developing and growing. We did have one concern that we discussed with her. It was that he doesn't seem to lift his head as high or much anymore with tummy time as he did before. Of course, he did the exact opposite while in the office and had his best performance during tummy time ever. Darn Kid! She did comment on his apparently awesome back muscles. Derek had the day off so he was able to come along. So he got to witness the "i'm crying so hard no sound comes out, my face is so red" cry when he got his second round of immunizations.

Playing with the iPhone before Dr. Shallue comes in
I just love how he is holding Derek's hand!

Next appointment on the books is January 3rd at Children's CF clinic. Mason will get his very first X-ray of his chest. Dr. Levy wants one to have as a baseline. I am soooo wondering how they take a 4 month old's chest x-ray.
Be sure to check out the Christmas post just below..two posts in one day...wohoo!
1 comment:
Aww.. Hes getting so big! sure is a cutie!! Looks like he had a good Christmas.
Dominik had his first chest x-ray this fall when he had his seizure.. I was kinda scared, but he didm't seem to mind. They did his right in the hospital bed in the ER. Took less than 5 mins.
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