3 months with Hurumph
3 months with Pooh Bear
(I even have Pooh Bear on my diaper!)
Well, Mason has entered into the 3rd month of life (actually a few weeks ago but whose counting?). He is keeping us very busy, but is starting to let us get a few more hours of sleep. He has started to "sleep through the night". That is if you count 6 hours stretches as such. We are trying to figure out a schedule for him, but his feedings tend to mess it up a bit. Mason will take a few 1-2 hours naps during the day and by 7pm he is "ready for bed". He will wake up anywhere from 4-6am to eat and go back to sleep. Like I mentioned earlier, his feedings are what mess up a schedule. He is still needing to get in 6 feedings a day so that he is getting enough calories. I see already how "getting enough calories" if going to be a life long battle. We generally have to wake him up around 10pm to get that 6th bottle in when I would rather let him sleep. That feeding usually is the hardest because he is soooo sleepy. But the extra calories must be working because he is starting to "pork" up some. I just love those chubby cheeks and thighs!

"hahaha, you're so funny mommy"

I have found that I really like to not only suck on my fingers,
but also my new found "blanket" toy

Dad brought me in their bed one morning while he was getting ready.
Don't worry nobody was sleeping this way.

Love it!!!

He has been "talking" up a storm. I love our many conversations during the day. The look in his eyes when he realizes that I am mimicking or responding to his "words" is all a girl needs for the day. He has good trunk and head control when supported. He even trying to pull himself forward when his is in a reclining position. Mason is a wiggle worm and if he is anything like he is now...look out world because there will be no stopping him! The last time we weighed him on the Wii he was 13.5 pounds (last week) so we have officially moved into the size 2 diapers. He is even fitting into some 3-6 month clothing. Love the expansion of the wardrobe...those 0-3 outfits where "getting old". He continues to take his enzymes good. Sometimes he even will open up for you when you get close to his mouth, then swallows them right away. He doesn't seem to even notice the extra salt we put into his bottles either.

And everyone thought Derek wouldn't have time to play his video games!

Mia helping to cheer Mason on with Tummy Time.

All bundled up to go outside...why do we live in WI again?
So far so good with trying to keep the cold/flu/germs away from our precious boy. Unfortuantly, this has resulted in us being a little isolated from the world. But we feel if not exposing him to more than necessary this cold/flu season is going to benefit him for the future then so be it. We want him to be the healthiest he can be so he can kick some CF butt.

Mason's drink of choice! :)
I can smile even with my fingers in my mouth
"What you don't believe I can read?"
I recently put together Mason's Exersaucer because I really thought that he might be able to start getting something out of it. Well, after trying it out this past week, the conclusion is that he looks cute in it but might have to hold out for a few more weeks. He was really smily in it once I shoved a blanket in it to make sure he didn't do a nose dive into the rim. He has pretty good trunk control when supported. He didn't really play with any of the toys either, just sat and looked. And if I am being really honest, he kept turning his head over his shoulder to get a glimpse of the T.V....for sure his father's son!

feet on the floor..well not so much
there's that smile we love!
Well, getting ready for Christmas time since it is already part way through December. As of today we got the tree up! Gosh usually by now I have the whole house decorated...this year there seems to be a 13.5 pound munchkin hampering my efforts. That's okay, he's more fun to play with anyway! Mason has been sporting some fine Christmas attire to get in the spirit of the season!
enjoying his "crinkle" book. He has really been holding/gripping onto more and more things. This book will usually occupy him a little while.

Hanging out with dad

Watching the Packer Game with dad on Sunday
In an effort to get more calories in to Mason's diet, we have started him on another kind of bottle! Just Kidding, he still prefers the boobie juice!
We celebrated Derek's 32nd birthday on Dec. 6th. Mason had a few surprises for him when he got home. Grandma and Grandpa Umnus came over that night for spaghetti, cake, and little snuggling with Mason! Happy Birthday Husband!
not sure what we are going to do next year when we have to put on 33!
We almost had to call the Fire Department for that blaze!
Mommy and Mason made a card for Daddy...Mason even signed his name with his hand print...now there should have been a camera when I was trying to do that!
Daddy really liked my outfit when he got home
Happy 32nd Birthday Derek!
Mason's next MD appointment is the 23rd with Dr. Shallue to get his 4 month check up and another round of shots. Derek has that day off so he gets to come along. Then we have our next CF clinic appointment on January 3rd. Hopefully, it will be a positive appointment to set the tone for the year!
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