Yea, the onesie finally fits!

sooo tiny!
We spent the majority of the day out and about. The stores are C.R.A.Z.Y!!!! should have known. Kohl's was an interesting experience...Mason was one of those babies that cries and cries and you sit there thinking "shut that kid up." Well, we worked through it and he fell asleep. Funny, I always thought I would want to leave the store immediately when that would happen but I was so oblivious to everyone else, the cries just blended in with the rest of the crowd. The leaving immediately will be for a future visit when he is old enough to throw a temper tantrum right there on the floor. :)

Shopping is rough...
I am secretly hoping to condition him to like to shop like his grandma Kathy did to his father. :)

Sitting in the Bebe Pod...
thanks to the Molle's for letting us borrow it.

This is how he feel asleep last night. He had his arms up like that for close to 30 min before he finally let sleep win him over.

Derek, messing around with Braeden's play tunnel... Always the goof! Love him for it.
Mason is now taking 6oz at a feeding. For the most part he keeps it down unless we don't sit still and upright for at least 30min afterward. So this means that he gets less feedings..only one, but it is nice to have one less bottle to wash! We pretty much are now on a feeding schedule. I have been keeping a journal of sorts of when he eats, sleeps, and wakes to get a better idea of a pattern. So, for the past 5 days we have been right on track! I can now plan my days a tad bit better now. The sleeping/napping is starting to get into a rhythm as well. Yea!
when can we expect the second addition?????
I can't believe how much he has changed in 4 months he is just the cuties baby ever
He's absolutely adorable!
It is good to see that he likes shopping at Kohl's.
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