Sunday, December 5

What is Mason up to these days?

I will try to get more pictures uploaded today (there are many!) with some narrative as to what we have been up to these past two weeks. Until then, enjoy Mason's new activities caught on camera!

What Mason is up to these days?

He's "talking" a lot more. He has found his voice and uses it often. Sometimes it even seems like he mimics the sound you make back to you. Baby conversation is in full swing around these parts! Here we are reading one of his favorite books.

He is enjoying playing peek-a-boo. We just discovered his enjoyment of this a few days ago. You may want to turn the volume down a bit for this one as Sara's voice is loud.

Mason is enjoying the taste of his fingers. They are often found in his mouth. If you look at his left thumb (because that is the one that most often is in use) it is all wrinkled. I love that he has found those cute little appendages because they often allow him to sooth himself to sleep for the past two months.

Mason is making more progress towards rolling over. He has been doing this for about the past week and half. He usually will get to his side but that's as far as he gets. It is most often his left side which Derek is excited to see.

Mason is also "enjoying" his surfing time. Don't let this video fool you. He generally will start crying in about 15 seconds. He has great neck and good trunk control while sitting and we are working hard on being able to lift our upper body off the ground.

See below for the blog post yesterday where we had some fun in the snow!

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