Wednesday, November 9

Cystic Fibrosis Awareness

This is a video I invite you to watch. It was created for the Cystic Fibrosis Gala held at the Milwaukee Museum a few weeks ago. The Gala, I believe, raised more than $200,000 to help find a cure. The video has testimony from CF parent's and adult's with CF. It of course brought tears to my eyes as much of what they say also speaks from my heart. Please take a moment to watch and learn.

If you would like to donate towards finding a cure for Mason and the 30,000 other's in the USA please click on the Great Strides box on the upper right hand side of this blog. It is a tax deductible donation. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is one of the best non-profit agencies in terms of where donations go to...90% of every dollar goes to research, assistance, and programs to help those with CF. All of which Mason is involved. He is currently in 3 research studies, gets assistance to help pay for his $4,000 a month medication pulmozyme, and is cared for by the CF clinic at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. Thank you for all your support and love over this past year since we got the diagnosis!

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